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Problem Reporting Logfile Howto

k3b edited this page Nov 28, 2018 · 1 revision

If you want me to analyse problems in the app that i cannot reproduce on my phone you can generate a logfile that hopefully contains necessary infos if the problem is reproducable on your side:

  • in the app go to the screen that was visible just before the problem occurs
  • Open the Settings View
  • Under Diagnostics can you enable these setting
    • LogCat SQL: If enabled: Write Database activity to logcat.
    • LogCat jpg: If enabled: trace photo file operations (copy/move/delete). (since 0.6.4)
    • LogCat jpg/xmp metadata: If enabled: Writes infos about reading/writing metadata of jpg/xmp to logcat. (since 0.6.1)
    • LogCat libs: If enabled: Writes infos about of 3rd paty libs to logcat.
    • LogCat Misc.: If enabled: Writes infos about other components to logcat.
  • click on "Clear LogCat" (Only activity after this "clear" will be in logfile)
  • leave settings
  • reproduce the problem you described i.e. (open an image with wrong content as decribed)
  • go again to settings
  • Under Diagnostics: click on "Save LogCat to file"

after this procedure you should have a detailed logfile what happend.

Attach this logfile to the ticket.

Note: Since enabled "LogCat XXX" might slow down execution an consumes extra memory disable them if these are not needed any more.

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