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k3b edited this page Mar 3, 2021 · 4 revisions

Image files have poperties (file-, exif-, xmp-, iptc- metadata) that "A Photo Manager" can Edit and that can be used to Search/Find/Filter Photos. This page describes the basics of filtering .

Both Gallery-View and Geographic-Map show only those photos of the device which are current visible.

Definition: Current visiblity = (Base-)Filter + xxx-Filter + Sort-Order .

The Filter (aka Basefilter) can combine multible search/filter criteria ( menu "Filter" opens the Filter-View) .

Basefilter Example:

  • You can search photos about "peter" which are "taken in 2007". This translates to
    • the text "peter" is contained in path, title, description, tags and
    • photo-date is between 2007-01-01 and 2008-01-01

xxx-Filter (or "search by xxx")

Additionally to basefilter a Photo can be filtered (or searched or found) by one of these

  • Searchbar : Any Text that is contained in either folder-path, filename, tags, title, description (the symbol opens the searchbar) New in version 0.7.0
  • Folder-Picker: Path (aka "filesystem folder" or "album" or Virtual Album) ( "" or menu "Folder Filter")
  • Geo-Picker: Geo Area ( or menu item "Map Area Filter")
  • Date-Picker: Date range when the photo was taken ( or menu "Date Filter") New in version 0.7.0
  • Tag-Picker: Tags ( or menu item "Tag Filter")

xxx is either path, date, geo, tags.

Only photos that match "xxx-Filter" are shown.

The Sorter determines the order in which the result photos are presented in the Gallery-View and in the Image-View. Photos can be sorted by

  • Name (folder path plus filename)
  • Date (with time when the photo was taken)
  • Place (geo or gps coordinate)
  • Rating (5=best .. 1=worst or 0/null unknown)
  • Last Modified (date and time when the jpg photo file was last modified i.e. modifying exif geo).
  • Width (of the photo in pixel)
  • Size (of the jpg photo file in bytes)
  • Sortorder
    • ^ means ascending (from smaller to bigger)
    • v descending (from bigger to bigger)

See also

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