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Michael Farrell edited this page Dec 7, 2019 · 3 revisions

Edy is a stored value payment system used in Japan. It uses FeliCa card media.

Metrodroid inherited its Edy support from Farebot; we don't have any actual samples. Some extra notes are added from WDIC -- these are not confirmed nor implemented in Metrodroid.

Structures listed here are big endian unless otherwise specified.

System 0x04c0

No services. (to be confirmed, from WDIC)

System 0xfe00

This is also the "FeliCa Networks Common Area", so will also appear on IC (Suica, etc.) cards.

Service 0x110b (Identity)

Block First Last Length Field description
0 0 1 2 unknown
0 2 9 8 Card ID, as binary-coded decimal
0 10 13 4 Card issue timestamp (from WDIC, to be confirmed)
0 14 15 2 unknown
1 0 3 4 Maximum deposit amount in JPY (from WDIC, to be confirmed)
1 4 7 4 Usage limit in JPY (from WDIC, to be confirmed)
1 8 11 4 Daily change limit in JPY (from WDIC, to be confirmed)
1 12 15 4 unknown

Service 0x1317 (Balance)

All values in this service are little-endian.

Block First Last Length Field description
0 0 3 4 Balance in JPY
0 4 7 4 Final settlement amount in JPY (from WDIC, to be confirmed)
0 8 13 6 unknown
0 14 15 2 Transaction counter (from WDIC, to be confirmed)

Service 0x170f (History)

Each block consists of:

First Last Length Field description
0 0 1 Transaction type (see below)
1 3 3 Sequence number
4 7 4 Timestamp (see below)
8 11 4 Value in JPY
12 15 4 Balance in JPY

Transaction types

  • 0x02: Charge (debit?)
  • 0x04: Gift
  • 0x20: Payment (credit?)


Offsets/lengths are specified in bits:

First Last Length Field description
0 14 15 Days since 2000-01-01
15 31 17 Seconds since 00:00:00 (midnight)

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