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Tampereen matkakortti

Vladimir Serbinenko edited this page Sep 14, 2022 · 6 revisions

Tampere uses Mifare desfire card

It has 3 applications:

  • 0x30302 contains 1 file: 2 which contains card number as ASCII
  • 0x30202 contains no files
  • 0x121ef is the main application with 7 files

Main application files:

  • File 1. This is a value file with value being balance in cents. No longer used
  • File 2. This file contains tickets and value
  • File 3. This is a record file with records being the transaction log
  • File 4. This file contains personal data
  • File 5
  • File 6
  • File 7. This contains the card serial number

Unless specified all values are little-endian

  • New format value (file 2)

The file contains 2 blocks of 48 bytes each. Probably each block contains up to 3 tickets but so far only one samples with one ticket have been acquired. According to the official website it's possible to have a card with both value and period ticket but so far the author doesn't have one.

Start (byte) Length (bytes) Meaning
0 1 Sequence number
1 3 ???
4 36 Tickets. 12-byte structures
40 2 ??? So far only zeros were observed
42 4 ???
46 2 Probably checksum or hash

Tickets have the following header:

Start (byte) Length (bytes) Meaning
0 2 ???
2 1 Ticket type

Then the contents depends on type.

Type 0x3. Seen encoding 30-day ticket:

Start (byte) Length (bytes) Meaning
3 3 ???
6 2 Expiry date
8 4 ???

Type 0x7:

Start (byte) Length (bytes) Meaning
3 4 ???
7 2 Balance in cents
9 3 ???

Type 0xf. Seen encoding 360-day ticket:

Start (byte) Length (bytes) Meaning
3 3 ???
6 2 Start date
8 2 End date
10 2 ???
  • Transaction log (file 3)
Start (byte) Length (bytes) Meaning
0 2 Date in days since 1.1.1900
2 1 Minutes since first validation
3 3 ???
6 2 High 11 bits: time as number of minutes since local midnight. Low 5 bits: event code
8 2 Fare
10 2 High 14 bits: route number, low 2 bits: ???
12 1 ???
13 1 High nibble: number of passengers. Low nibble:??
14 1 ??
15 1 CRC-8-maxim of the record

Route numbers:

  • last 2 decimal digits are route variant (A/B/C/...) including direction. Exact coding unknown
  • Rest is human-readable route number

Event codes:

  • 3 = topup

  • 5 = first tap

  • 11 = transfer

  • File 4 (personal data)

Start (byte) Length (bytes) Meaning
0 6 ???
6 24 Holder name
30 4 ???
34 2 Holder birth date
36 6 ???
42 2 Issue date
44 51 ???
  • File 7 (serial number)
Start (byte) Length (bytes) Meaning
0 1 Zero
1 10 Serial number as BCD
11 1 ???
12 18 Zero-filled
30 2 ??? Some kind of checksum
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