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Michael Farrell edited this page Apr 30, 2018 · 2 revisions

EsKart is a MIFARE Classic based public transit ticketing system used by EsTram in Eskişehir, Turkey.

All values on the card are big-endian.

Sector Layout

Sector Block Content
0 0 MIFARE UID and manufacturer information
0 1-2 Empty
1 0-2 Metadata
2-3 all Transactions
4-15 all Empty


Block 0

First Last Length Field description
6 9 4 Unknown, changes after first top-up

Block 1

First Last Length Field description
0 0 1 Latest transaction sector (0x00 = Sector 2, 0x01 = Sector 3)

Block 2



The last two transactions are stored on the card, in sectors 2 and 3. Both sectors have the same block layout.

Writes are alternated between the two sectors, according to the "latest transaction sector" (in Metadata).

Block 0

First Last Length Field description
12 13 2 Transaction number (sequential)

Block 1

First Last Length Field description
4 5 2 Card balance, in kuruş (0.01 TRY)

Block 2

Probably stop, route or farebox number.

Other information


Riders can get a free transfer from one tram line to another at Çarşı (Bazaar) station, if the second tram is boarded within 1 hour.

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