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Michael Farrell edited this page Jun 4, 2019 · 9 revisions

Oyster is a public transit smartcard used in London, UK, administered by Transport for London (TfL). It is different to the national ITSO card.

The system was developed by Cubic, but uses a different card format to other Cubic systems.

Oyster has two types of card media:

  • an older, Mifare Classic 1K based card.

    This is a different format to Cubic Nextfare MFC.

  • a newer, Mifare DESFire based card (rolled out from 2009-12). These have a "D" printed in the lower left corner of the card.

    The newer DESFire cards have no freely readable sectors, so until there is work on breaking the authentication system on DESFire, this won't be supported in Metrodroid.

    This is a different format to Cubic Nextfare MFD.

In addition, single-use TfL tickets are either magnetic-stripe or Aztec Barcodes.

Oyster Classic

Despite being no longer issued, these are still valid for travel on TfL services.

Unless otherwise specified, all values here are little endian.

Times are stored in local time (Europe/London).

This is a work in progress, and more information is needed (annotated dumps) to improve this reader.

Sector Block Content
0 1 Card magic (964142434445464748494A4B4C4D0101)
0 2 All FF
1 0 Configuration, serial number
1 1-2 Balance
2 0-1 unknown, writes alternate
5 0-2 Refills (PAYG)
7-8 0-2 Travelcards / Passes
9 1-2 Transactions
10-13 0-2 Transactions
14-15 0-2 All FF


First Last Length Field description
1 5 4 Card serial number, excluding last two digits


Values are indicated in bits.

First Last Length Field description
0 3 4 ???
4 7 4 Sub-journey sequence number
8 15 8 Journey sequence number
25 39 15 Balance in pence (0.01 GBP)


Values are indicated in bits.

First Last Length Field description
0 25 26 Timestamp of refill
74 87 14 Refill amount in pence (0.01 GBP)


Values are indicated in bits.

First Last Length Field description
0 5 6 ???
6 31 26 Timestamp of transaction
32 ... ... ???

Travelcards / Passes

This is based on very limited information.

Sector 7 and 8 appear to act as pairs (eg: Sector 7 Block 0 goes with Sector 8 Block 0).

Sector First Last Length Field Description
7 33 58 26 End timestamp
8 0 15 16 Cost in pence (0.01 GBP)
8 78 103 26 Start timestamp


Values are indicated in bits.

All timestamps are the following format (26 bits total):

First Last Length Field description
0 14 15 Date, in days since 1980-01-01
15 25 11 Time, in minutes since 00:00
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