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The list of tools and packages for Robot Operating System development!


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Awesome ROS Tools


The list of tools and packages for Robot Operating System development!

Table of Contents

Best Practices

  • ros_best_practices - loose collection of best practices, conventions, and tricks for using the Robot Operating System (ROS). It builds up on the official ROS documentation and other resources and is meant as summary and overview ros_best_practices
  • ROS Hacks Repo - the repository is designed to make ROS developer's life easier. After the installation usefull aliases and functions will be added to the terminal. ROS Hacks Repo

Development Tools

  • catkin_tools - command line tools for working with catkin github. catkin_tools
  • ROSCpp Code Format - the repo contains an auto formatting script for the ROS C++ Style Guidelines. roscpp_code_format
  • swri_profiler - is a lightweight profiling framework for C++ ROS nodes. It allows you to selectively measure how much time is spent in various scopes. Profiling data is generated and published to a ROS topic where it can be recorded or monitored in real time. The profiler was designed to be lightweight enough that it can be left in during normal operation so that performance data can be monitored at any time. swri_profiler
  • pal_statistics - provides a way of gathering, aggregating, storing and visualizing statistics from arbitrary sources in a flexible and real-time safe way in ROS. From internal variables values to high level statistics about, but not limited to, robot performance. pal_statistics Wiki. pal_statistics
  • ros2-migration-tools - contains a set of tools for migrating a ROS1 package to a ROS2 package. The C++ source code migration uses libclang8 and its corresponding python bindings. ros2-migration-tools
  • swri_console - an alternative to rqt_console for viewing the ROS console output. swri_console was written to scale well to large systems with heavy console output. It stays responsive under fire and allows users to quickly find information to track down problems. swri_console
  • ros_logrotate - logrotate script allows you to control the size of your log files and make your ROS log folder cleaner. It will compress old folders and remove them after some days. This script is configuarable and you can set the number of days you want to keep files. Plus, it will also clean log files from terminal calls, like rostopic pub or rosservice call. ros_logrotate
  • rosparam_handler - A unified parameter handler for nodes with automatic code generation. Save time on defining your parameters. No more redundant code. Easy error checking. Make them dynamic with a single flag. rosparam_handler


  • ROS Logs & ELK Stack - demo of collecting ROS Logs (from ROS Containers) with Filebeat which are then sent to Logstash indexed by Elasticsearch and can then be viewed and visualized at Kibana. All logs are stored in the roslogs volume. ROS Logs & ELK Stack
  • log_view - an ncurses text UI for viewing rosout logs. Allows to receive, filter, and navigate through all published rosout log messages from within a terminal to support debugging a robot live. ROS wiki log_view


  • rosdoc_lite - ROS package wraps documentation tools like doxygen, sphinx, and epydoc, making it convenient to generate ROS package documentation. It also generates online documentation for the ROS wiki. github. rosdoc_lite
  • rosautodoc - the rosautodoc project provides a python executable that can automatically generate documentation for ROS nodes that are running on the system. rosautodoc
  • roslaunch_to_dot - convert a roslaunch XML file into a dot file containing a graph of the launch tree. roslaunch_to_dot


  • ROS Qt Creator Plug-in - plug-in for Qt Creator to work with ROS workspaces, analyse performance and debug code.
  • qt_metapackages - contains ROS metapackages that are useful for depending on the right version of Qt depending on which distribution of ROS you are using. qt_metapackages

Bag files


  • rosbag_fancy - fancy terminal UI frontend for the venerable rosbag tool rosbag_fancy
  • rosbag_snapshot - subscribes to topics and maintains a buffer of recent messages like a dash cam. This is useful in live testing where unexpected events can occur which would be useful to have data on but the opportunity is missed if rosbag record was not running (disk space limits make always running rosbag record impracticable). Instead, users may run snapshot in the background and save data from the recent past to disk as needed. rosbag_snapshot
  • batch_ros - provides a framework for batch execution under ROS, to ensure a node consumes every message in a rosbag, allowing for repeatable results and ensure no message dropping. This not only allows for rigorous testing of a ROS node but also running tests on Continuous Integration (CI) based on rosbag data. batch_ros
  • rosbag_metadata - tool for collecting and writing metadata to ROS bagfiles or to accompanying yaml files. rosbag_metadata


  • rosbag_editor - GUI-app to remove one or more topics from a rosbag, change the duration of the rosbag, rename a topic, change the compression type etc. rosbag_editor

Managing (storing, organizing, searching, migrating and so on)

  • bag-database - web-based application that monitors a directory for ROS bag files, parses their metadata, and provides a friendly web interface for searching for bags and downloading them. Its goal is to make it easy to catalog thousands of bag files, search through them for relevant data such as topic names and message types, view information about them, and download them. bag-database
  • rbb_core - tool to index/visualize/manage rosbags on remote storage systems. Additionally it provides a web interface and framework for automated simulations. rbb_core-database
  • marv-robotics - MARV Robotics is an extensible data management platform for robot logs. New robot logs are found by a scanner and configured nodes are run to extract, filter and process data from them. The robot logs are visualized in a web-based application that features a listing view with filters and summary, and detail views of individual log files. marv-robotics
  • rosbag_compress - a python command line tool for compression or decompression of multiple ROS bag files. This tool searchs bag files recrusively,compress or compress them at same time. It is executed in parallel process, so the task is done fastly. rosbag_compress
  • ros-bag-migration - allows you to change the format of messages in recorded bags in ROS 1. This may be needed when you decide to record new bags with an updated set of message definitions, and you want to change older bags accordingly for compatibility. ros-bag-migration
  • rosbag-sliding-windows-annotator - providing a way to annotate rosbag files by using the method of sliding windows (use a video image topic as a guide for tagging numerical data) rosbag-sliding-windows-annotator

Extracting data

  • RosbagPandas - create Python pandas data frame from a ros bag file. RosbagPandas
  • rs_bag2image - convert tool that works on cross-platform (Windows, Linux, MacOS) for RealSense. This tool converts all data of each stream types (Color, Depth, Infrared) that contained in bag file to image file. rs_bag2image
  • bag_tools - set of useful bag processing tools (make_video from topic, change_frame_id, change_camera_info, extract_stereo_images etc.). bag_tools Wiki. bag_tools


  • rosshow - Displays various sensor messages in a useful fashion using Unicode Braille art in the terminal rosshow
  • webviz - Web-based application for playback and visualization of ROS bag files. This repository also contains some libraries that can be used independently to build web-based visualization tools webviz
  • mapviz - ROS based visualization tool with a plug-in system similar to RVIZ focused on visualizing 2D data mapviz
  • rqt_multiplot_plugin - GUI rqt plugin for visualizing numeric values in multiple 2D plots using the Qwt plotting backend rqt_multiplot_plugin
  • PlotJuggler - QT5 based application to display time series in plots, using an intuitive "drag and drop" interface It can be used either to load static data from file or connect to live streaming of data PlotJuggler
  • rviz_satellite - Plugin for rviz for displaying satellite maps loaded from the internet. rviz_satellite

Code Testing

  • hypothesis-ros - data generators for Property Based Testing and Fuzzy Testing of ROS nodes (Unmantained!) hypothesis-ros
  • ros1_fuzzer - Fuzzer aims to help developers and researchers to find bugs and vulnerabilities in ROS nodes by performing fuzz tests over topics that the target nodes process ros1_fuzzer
  • roschaos - functionality for process reliability/fault recovery testing in ROS hypothesis-ros
  • code_coverage - ROS package to run coverage testing. Introduction. code_coverage
  • Ros-Test-Example - a ROS Workspace containing an example car simulation to show GTest and Rostest. Ros-Test-Example


  • CARLA - an open-source simulator for autonomous driving research. github carla
  • World Construction Tool - automatic tool for gazebo world construction: from a grayscale image to a 3d solid model.
  • Dataset of Gazebo Worlds Models and Maps - a set of Gazebo worlds models and maps. Dataset of Gazebo Worlds Models and Maps
  • Unity Robotics Hub - central repository for tools, tutorials, resources, and documentation for robotic simulation in Unity including integration with ROS. Unity Robotics Hub
  • xmacro - looks like a simplified version of ros/xacro, it's simpler, but it works well both for urdf and sdf. In addition it's flexible, and also easy to use. xmacro


  • OpenCR - Open Source Control Module for ROS. OpenCR is developed for ROS embedded systems to provide completely open-source hardware and software. OpenCR
  • DRV8825_ROS - uses an Arduino Uno Rev.3 as a ROS node to control a stepper motor by using DRV8825 motor driver. DRV8825_ROS
  • NovAtel GPS Driver - C++ ROS driver for NovAtel GPS / GNSS Receivers. NovAtel GPS Driver


  • imu_tools - IMU-related filters and visualizers including Madgwick filter, Complementary filter and rviz IMU plugin for visualizing sensor_msgs::Imu messages. imu_tools
  • ros_imu_covariance_calculator - ROS Package to estimate the variance of the inertial data from an IMU to be used to populate the error covariance matrix. ros_imu_covariance_calculator
  • kalibr - Kalibr is a toolbox that solves the following calibration problems:
    1. Multiple camera calibration: intrinsic and extrinsic calibration of a camera-systems with non-globally shared overlapping fields of view
    2. Visual-inertial calibration calibration (camera-IMU): spatial and temporal calibration of an IMU w.r.t a camera-system
    3. Rolling Shutter Camera calibration: full intrinsic calibration (projection, distortion and shutter parameters) of rolling shutter cameras. kalibr

Web Tools

  • Robot Web Tools - robot web tools is a collection of open-source modules and tools for building web-based robot apps.
  • web_video_server - HTTP Streaming of ROS Image Topics in Multiple Formats. web_video_server
  • ros_rtsp - ROS package to subscribe to an ROS Image topic (and as many other video sources as you want) and serve it up as a RTSP video feed with different mount points. Should provide a real-time video feed (or as close as possible). ros_rtsp


  • ROSPenTo - ROS penetration testing tool which can send XML remote procedure calls (XMLRPC) to the ROS-Master and to ROS-Nodes. ROSPenTo
  • alurity - a modular and composable toolbox for robot security. Featuring dozens of different robot cyber security tools, it simplifies and speeds up the cyber security research in robotics.


  • multimaster_fkie - the ROS stack of fkie_multimaster offers a complete solution for using ROS with multicores. In addition, Node Manager with a daemon provide a GUI-based management environment that is very useful to manage ROS-launch configurations and control running nodes, also in a single-core system. multimaster_fkie
  • rosmon - rosmon is a drop-in replacement for the standard roslaunch tool. Rather unlike roslaunch, rosmon is focused on (remote) process monitoring. rosmon Wiki. rosmon
  • aruco_pose - aruco_pose package consists of two nodelets: aruco_detect detects individual ArUco-markers and estimates their poses, aruco_map detects maps of markers using aruco_detect output. aruco_pose
  • imagezero_transport - fast, lossless compression algorithm for 24-bit color photographic images. It compresses more than 20 times faster than PNG and decompresses about twice as fast, which means it is suitable for lossless compression of real-time camera video feeds. imagezero_transport
  • ros_scxml - lightweight finite state machine library that uses the SCXML standard. ros_scxml
  • message_serialization - a header-only utility for serializing C++ structures (specifically ROS messages) into YAML-formatted and binary-formatted files that can be loaded to/from disk. message_serialization
  • robo-gym - an open source toolkit for distributed reinforcement learning on real and simulated robots. robo-gym




The list of tools and packages for Robot Operating System development!








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