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Dae Song Park edited this page Sep 28, 2022 · 35 revisions

◀️ Integrated Tools 🔗 VS Code ▶️

JupyterLab is a browser-based IDE for running Python and R programs in Jupyter NoteBook. PadoGrid provides the following commands for integrating PadoGrid workspaces with JupyterLab workspaces.

Command Description
start_jupyter Start Jupyter Notebook server in the current RWE JupyterLab workspace
open_jupyter Open the current RWE JupyterLab workspace
show_jupyter Display Jupyter Notebook server status
stop_jupyter Stop Jupyter Notebook server

Installing JupyterLab

You can verify the installation by running the jupyter executable. The PadoGrid Jupyter commands will fail if the jupyter executable is not found.

Running JupyterLab in PadoGrid

Running Locally

If you are running PadoGrid locally on your PC, then you can run open_jupyer to open JupyterLab in the browser. This command starts the JupyterLab server if it is not running and then launches the browser with PadoGrid integrated. The screen will look similar to the example shown below. The browser display is divided with the workspace's file if exists and three (3) terminals.

# Start Jupyter server on the default port 8888 if it's not running and then launch browser

# Start Jupyter server on the specified port and then launch browser
open_jupyter -port 8889

Example Output:

Saved workspace: /Users/dpark/.jupyter/lab/workspaces/labworkspacesrwe-bundles-5382.jupyterlab-workspace

Notebook server started.

Jupyter Workspace in Browser

Running Remotely

You can use start_jupyter to launch the Jupyter Notebook server without opening the browser. This command is useful if your workspace is remotely distributed and you are not able to launch the browser from there. Once the Jupyter Notebook server is started using this command, you can launch the browser from your local machine and enter the Jupyter Notebook server URL in the browser to remotely access the PadoGrid workspace.

# Start Jupyter Notebook server on the default port 8888

# Start Jupyter Notebook server on the specified port
start_jupyter -port 8889

Example Output:

Notebook server started.

The workspace in the Jupyter terminals may be incorrect due to JupyterLab limitations. Switch
into the current workspace by running the following command in each Jupyter terminal.

   switch_rwe rwe-bundles/bundle-hazelcast-4-k8s-cdc_demo

✏️ The open_jupyter command opens each terminal in the current workspace directory but the workspace context is set by the login shell script, i.e., .bashrc or .bash_profile. You must explicitly run the switch_rwe command in each terminal to switch into the current workspace as described in the open_jupyter output. You can copy/paste the command output in each Jupyter terminal.

The Jupyter Notebook server URL can be obtained by running show_jupyter which displays all running servers with their URL information.

# Display running servers

Example Output:

Currently running servers:
http://localhost:8888/?token=f169c6368999c83df5179fdece046d136040668e1204af21 :: /Users/dpark/Padogrid/workspaces/rwe-bundles

Stopping Jupyter

You can stop a specific Jupyter Notebook server or all servers with stop_jupyter.

# Stop the server running on the default port 8888

# Stop the server running on the specified port
stop_jupyter -port 8889

# Stop all servers
stop_jupyter -all

Example Output:

Jupyter notebook server stopped: [8888]

Installing and Running JupyterLab on AWS EC2

You can install JupyterLab on any of PadoGrid installed EC2 instances and remotely manage PadoGrid using your browser. Once you have created a VM workspace with AWS EC2 instances as described in Geode on AWS EC2 and Hazelcast on AWS EC2, follow the instructions below to install and run JupyterLab.

# ssh into one of the EC2 instances
ssh -i mykey.pem ec2-user@

From the EC2 instance install JupyterLab:

# Amazon Linux, Red Hat
sudo yum install python3-pip

# Amazon Linux, Red Hat
sudo apt install python3-pip

pip3 install jupyterlab

Create a self-signed certificate to be used for SSL.

switch_workspace myworkspace
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout .mycert.pem -out .mycert.pem
chmod 400 .mycert.pem

Encrypt password that you will be using in the browser to login to JupyterLab.


from IPython.lib import passwd



Python 3.9.7 (default, Sep 16 2021, 08:50:36)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.29.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: from IPython.lib import passwd

In [2]: passwd()
Enter password:
Verify password:
Out[2]: 'sha1:75f4df39063f:a7f26527cfb94b5fafba0e11d380b065ea5791b6'

In [3]: quit()

Generate and update a Jupyter server config file. Use the encrypted password for c.ServerApp.password as shown below.

jupyter server --generate-config

cat <<EOF >>  ~/.jupyter/
c = get_config()
c.ServerApp.certfile = u'/home/ec2-user/Padogrid/workspaces/rwe-hazelcast/ws-aws-hazelcast/.mycert.pem'
c.ServerApp.ip = '*'
c.ServerApp.password = u'sha1:75f4df39063f:a7f26527cfb94b5fafba0e11d380b065ea5791b6'
c.ServerApp.port = 8888

Start JupyterLab

# The '-import' option is introduced in PadoGrid v0.9.21 to import workspace
# templates. If this option is not specified then the initial web page defaults
# to a blank page.
start_jupyter -import

Use the public IP address of the EC2 instance to login from your browser. For our example, the public IP address is the IP address we used to ssh into the EC2 instance, i.e.,

Installing JupyterLab on Vagrant Pod (VM)

  1. Create a pod with enough memory for the primary node. This example allocates 4 GiB on the ubuntu/focal64 Vagrant box, which has the latest Python3 version installed.
create_pod -quiet -box ubuntu/focal64 -avahi -pod mypod -pm 4096 -dir /Users/dpark/Padogrid/products/linux
  1. Install Linux products such as Java, GemFire, Hazelcast, Redis, etc. in /Users/dpark/Padogrid/products. You can download and untar them in that directory.

  2. Build pod

switch_pod mypod
  1. ssh into pnode.local
ssh vagrant@pnode.local
  1. From pnode.local, install pip, install and start JupyterLab
# Install pip
sudo apt install python3-pip

# Install net-tools to view IP addresses
# (start_jupyter uses ifconfig to gather IP addresses for command auto-complete)
sudo apt install net-tools

# Install JupyterLab which requires jinja2>=3.0.3
pip install jinja2==3.1.2
pip install jupyterlab

# Add `/home/vagrant/.local/bin` to `PATH`
echo "export PATH=\"/home/vagrant/.local/bin:\$PATH\"" >> ~/.bashrc
export PATH="/home/vagrant/.local/bin:$PATH"
  1. Generate self-signed certificate
# Generate a self-signed certificate in the workspace directory
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout .mykey.key -out .mycert.pem
  1. Create encrypted Jupyter server password
jupyter server password

The encrypted password is placed in the ~/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.json file.

  1. Generate and edit Jupyter server configuration file
# Generate Jupyter server configuration file
jupyter server --generate-config

# Edit the generated configuration file
vi ~/.jupyter/

Enter the following in the Jupyter server configuration file. The certificate and key files are generated from Step 6 and located in the workspace directory. The password is in the ~/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.json file.

# The certificate and key files are generated from Step 6 and located in the workspace directory
c.ServerApp.certfile = u'/home/vagrant/rwe-bundles/bundle-geode-1-app-perf_test_sb-cluster-sb/.mycert.pem'
c.ServerApp.keyfile = u'/home/vagrant/rwe-bundles/bundle-geode-1-app-perf_test_sb-cluster-sb/.mykey.key'
# Set ip to '*' to bind on all interfaces (ips) for the public server
c.ServerApp.ip = '*'
# The password is in the `~/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.json` file
c.ServerApp.password = u'argon2:$argon2id$v=19$m=10240,t=10,p=8$ID3N5a0WB73Pa0JluYUX3Q$IS0zxSGOZNxzQKjEScfjqx7ZVaMpWUQudcQuvzTzwl8'
c.ServerApp.open_browser = False
# Server port set by 'start_jupyter -port 8888'
c.ServerApp.port = 8888
  1. Start JupyterLab
# Specify '-import' and the pnode.local IP address to import the PadoGrid workspace dashboard.
# Your IP address might be different than this example. Hit the tab key to see IP addresses.
start_jupyter -import -ip -port 8888
  1. Enter the URL in the browser

URL: https://pnode.local:8888/lab/workspaces/rwe-bundles

  1. In the browser, if PadoGrid commands do not work, then you may need to execute ssh localhost in order to intialize PadoGrid.
# To initialize PadoGrid
ssh localhost

◀️ Integrated Tools 🔗 VS Code ▶️
















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