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Dae Song Park edited this page Sep 19, 2022 · 65 revisions


The FAQ section aims to provide a comprensive collection of PadoGrid Q&As including a series of topics on how to build distributed systems using PadoGrid.

General Questions

  1. Is Pado compatible with Geode 1.x and GemFire 9.x?
  2. Is PadoGrid perf_test available for all products?
  3. Can I use PadoGrid to conduct product benchmark tests?

How To's

  1. Can I start/stop multiple clusters using a single command in PadoGrid?
  2. How do I safely delete PadoGrid components like workspaces and clusters?
  3. How do I use PadoDesktop to monitor Geode/GemFire?
  4. How do I stop/kill all cluster processes started by PadoGrid?
  5. My workspace does not work with a newer version of PadoGrid. How do I migrate to the new version?
  6. How to install Redis in PadoGrid?
  7. How to install all PadoGrid online bundles with a single command?
  8. How to run Hadoop-free Spark in PadoGrid? I want to include my own Hadoop.
  9. On Windows 10 WSL, PadoGrid auto-completion is extremely slow. How do I fix this?
  10. Is there a way to try out all of the PadoGrid supported products at once without manually verifying port conflicts?
  11. How do I setup multi-tenant PadoGrid workspaces?
  12. In my environment, PadoGrid bash auto-completion prepends \ to envirnment variables. How do I fix this?

Error Messages

  1. I'm getting the PadoGrid error message, "ERROR: This bundle requires the following product version(s) configured for the workspace."
  2. I'm getting "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/redisson/config/Config" when I run PadoGrid perf_test for Redis.
  3. I'm getting "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.log4j.spi.Filter" when I run Spark in PadoGrid.
  4. When I start a PadoGrid Vagrant VM based cluster, I get "WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!".
  5. When I install a PadoGrid bundle, I get "ERROR: This bundle requires the following product version(s) configured for the workspace."
  6. When I run a cluster installed from a PadoGrid bundle, I get an exception, "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Implementing class".


  1. On Linux, how do I fix "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError : unable to create new native Thread"?
















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