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FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

piotrulos edited this page Aug 12, 2022 · 2 revisions


Q: What is default keybinds for console/menu?
A: For console it's standard console key ~, for settings menu it's Left CTRL + M, it can be changed in mod settings.

Q: MSCPatcher crashes, can't find file, shows error Help!
A: Make sure you unpacked all included files.

Q: MSCPatcher show file is denied error. Help!
A: Don't use system protected folders like "Program files" but if you do, right click mscpatcher.exe and select as admin.

Q: When launching game nothing happens!
A: Sometimes on first install it may look like nothing happens, try launching game again. If nothing happens just clean install modloader again.

Q: Something doesn't work in experimental game.
A: Experimental builds are not supported and never will be, too much mess to maintain two forks. Wait for stable release of this update.

Q: Some mods doesn't work on "non-steam" version.
A: There is no such thing as "non-steam" version, it is up to modder if he want to allow run his mods without steam. Since nobody supports piracy, don't expect any support if you have pirated version of game.

Q: Launcher takes long time to load or there is a "timed out" error!
A: This may be server related problem, can't really do much about it. If you want me to fix it, just donate some money to buy better server.

Q: My game was updated and mod loader is not working. Plz Update this! Help!
A: Run MSCPatcher again and follow instructions there. Most updates doesn't break mod loader so you just can patch it again.

Q: Got HUGE FPS drop. Help!
A: You most likely has broken mods that spam errors, update your mods. Also send me your output_log.txt from mysummercar_Data folder to see what mod is broken

Q: How to disable the disabler!
A: You can't, because of above question, I'm tired of getting spammed about FPS drop, if you are a modder you have debug tools for this.

Q: Installed mod and it don't work. Help!
A: Make sure you installed it correctly. Then ask mod creator if you have problems with mod.

Q: It doesn't work on linux/mac. Help!
A: It is designed to work under Windows. I don't have time to write specific version for 0.1% of users, also game doesn't have official linux/mac binaries. But there is great unofficial tutorial here how to use it under linux through steam proton.

Q: Not working. Stupid!
A: Change your lightbulb it helped me.

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