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piotrulos edited this page Apr 7, 2023 · 4 revisions

ModUI Class

UI elements like creating Message Boxes

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: MSCLoader
Assembly: MSCLoader (in MSCLoader.dll) Version:



public class ModUI

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The ModUI type exposes the following members.



Name Description
Public methodStatic member CreateCanvas Create Canvas for your UI.
Public methodStatic member CreateMessageBoxBtn(String, Action, Boolean) Create Message Box Button for ShowCustomMessage(...);
Public methodStatic member CreateMessageBoxBtn(String, Action, Color32, Color32, Boolean) Create Message Box Button for ShowCustomMessage(...);
Public methodStatic member GetCanvas **Obsolete. ** Get UI canvas
Public methodStatic member ShowContinueAbortMessage Show simple Continue/Abort message, and do something when user click Continue.
Public methodStatic member ShowCustomMessage(String, String, MsgBoxBtn[]) Show Custom message, you can create MessageBox with custom buttons using CreateMessageBoxBtn() first
Public methodStatic member ShowCustomMessage(String, String, MsgBoxBtn[], MsgBoxBtn[]) Show Custom message, you can create MessageBox with custom buttons using CreateMessageBoxBtn() first
Public methodStatic member ShowMessage(String) Show Message Box with simple message
Public methodStatic member ShowMessage(String, String) Show Message Box with simple message
Public methodStatic member ShowRetryCancelMessage Show simple retry/cancel message, and do something when user click retry.
Public methodStatic member ShowYesNoMessage(String, Action) Show simple question message, and do something when user click yes.
Public methodStatic member ShowYesNoMessage(String, String, Action) Show simple question message, and do something when user click yes.
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See Also


MSCLoader Namespace

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