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Releases: pnp/powershell

Release 2.5.0

27 Jun 16:30
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  • Added New-PnPLibraryFileVersionBatchDeleteJob and New-PnPSiteFileVersionBatchDeleteJob cmdlets to queue a job for deleting the file versions based on age. #3799
  • Added New-PnPLibraryFileVersionExpirationReportJob and New-PnPSiteFileVersionExpirationReportJob cmdlets to queue a job for generating a file version expiration report for all files in a document library or site. #3799
  • Added Remove-PnPLibraryFileVersionBatchDeleteJob and Remove-PnPSiteFileVersionBatchDeleteJob cmdlets to cancel the job for deleting file versions based on age. #3799
  • Added Get-PnPLibraryFileVersionExpirationReportJobProgress and Get-PnPSiteFileVersionExpirationReportJobProgress cmdlets to getting the progress for the job for file versions based on age. #3799
  • Added -UseVersionExpirationReport parameter to Get-PnPFileVersion cmdlet to get the version expiration report for a single file. #3799
  • Added -DelayDenyAddAndCustomizePagesEnforcement parameter to Set-PnPTenant cmdlet which allows delay of the change to custom script set on the Tenant until mid-November 2024. #3815
  • Added additional permissions for Graph application permission validate sets. #3835
  • Added the ability to upload entire local folders with files and optionally subfolders to SharePoint Online into 'Copy-PnPFolder' #3850
  • Added LoopDefaultSharingLinkRole, DefaultShareLinkScope, DefaultShareLinkRole, LoopDefaultSharingLinkScope and DefaultLinkToExistingAccessReset parameters to Set-PnPTenant cmdlet. #3874
  • Added Unlock-PnPSensitivityLabelEncryptedFile which allows the encryption to be removed from a file #3864
  • Added Get-PnPLibraryFileVersionBatchDeleteJobStatus and Get-PnPSiteFileVersionBatchDeleteJobStatus to check on the status of applying file based version expiration based on age on a library and site level #3828
  • Added support for Get-PnPSiteCollectionAppCatalog and Get-PnPTenantSite to be used with vanity domain tenants #3895
  • Added support for using vanity domain tenants with Grant-PnPTenantServicePrincipalPermission, Revoke-PnPTenantServicePrincipalPermission, Set-PnPWebTheme, Invoke-PnPListDesign, Set-PnPSite, Add-PnPSiteDesignTask, Get-PnPSiteDesignRun, Get-PnPSiteDesignTask and Invoke-PnPSiteDesign cmdlets #3898
  • Added -Detailed to Get-PnPMicrosoft365Group which allows retrieval of the AllowExternalSenders, IsSubscribedByMail and AutoSubscribeNewMembers properties of the group #3958
  • Added -RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled and -AutoSubscribeNewMembers to Set-PnPMicrosoft365Group which allows setting these properties on a group #3958
  • Added Get-PnPContainerType cmdlet to retrieve the list of Container Types created for a SharePoint Embedded Application in the tenant. #3946
  • Added -RecycleBinRetentionPeriod,-OneDriveBlockGuestsAsSiteAdmin,-OneDriveDefaultShareLinkRole,-OneDriveDefaultShareLinkScope and -OneDriveDefaultLinkToExistingAccess parameters to the Set-PnPTenant cmdlet. #3977
  • Added Get-PnPTenantRestrictedSearchMode and Set-PnPTenantRestrictedSearchMode cmdlets to enable and set up Restricted SharePoint Search. #3976
  • Added Get-PnPTenantInternalSetting cmdlet to retrieve internal tenant settings not exposed via CSOM SDK. #3902
  • Added Add-PnPHomeSite cmdlet to add a home site to your tenant. #3989
  • Added Get-PnPPageSchedulingEnabled cmdlet to get the state of the modern page schedule feature in the library. PR
  • Added -IncludeSensitivityLabels parameter to Get-PnPMicrosoft365Group cmdlet to retrieve sensitivity labels assigned to M365 Groups. #3991
  • Added Get-PnPFileSensitivityLabelInfo cmdlet to retrieve sensitivity label information about a file in a SharePoint site. #3994
  • Added Get-PnPTenantRestrictedSearchAllowedList cmdlet to retrieve existing list of URLs in the allowed list. #3997
  • Added -IsSharePointAddInsDisabled to the Set-PnPTenant cmdlet which allows disabling SharePoint Add-ins #4032
  • Added -RestrictContentOrgWideSearch, -ReadOnlyForUnmanagedDevices and -InheritVersionPolicyFromTenant parameters to Set-PnPTenantSite cmdlet. #4024


  • Fixed Get-PnPChangeLog -Version 2.3.0 not returning the changelog for that version #3804
  • Fixed Get-PnPFlow cmdlet throwing time out error due to incorrect URL used in HTTP request. #3820
  • Fixed Copy-PnPList cmdlet to better handle lookup columns. #3870
  • Fixed NullDereferenceException happening when an exception is logged in PnPConnectedCmdlet but the connection passed through -Connection parameter is not the last one. #3885
  • Fixed NullDereferenceException in Get-PnPUserProfileProperty cmdlet when the user profile doesn't exist, showing a better error message. #3891
  • Fixed the dev build process on Mac OS devices. #3907
  • Fixed Get-PnPContainer cmdlet to also handle pagination in case of large no. of containers in a tenant. #3990
  • Fixed New-PnPTeamsTeam cmdlet to better handle error specifically such as Conflict (409): Team already exists. #3992
  • Fixed Remove-PnPTeamsChannel issue where it was throwing incorrect exception. #4036


  • Renamed Get-PnPSiteFileVersionExpirationReportJobProgress to Get-PnPSiteFileVersionExpirationReportJobStatus #3828
  • Renamed Get-PnPSiteVersionPolicyProgress to Get-PnPSiteVersionPolicyStatus #3828
  • Remove-PnPGroupMember cmdlet now supports removing members from pipeline. #3955
  • Changed Set-PnPTenantCdnPolicy cmdlet to allow PolicyValue parameter to be an empty string or $null, while still being mandatory. #3937
  • Marked UserVoiceForFeedbackEnabled as obsolete in Set-PnPTenant cmdlet as Microsoft doesn't support this. #3985
  • Get-PnPTenantSite cmdlet now returns additional properties like ArchiveStatus, EnableAutoExpirationVersionTrim and many more. #3987
  • Add-PnPListFoldersToSiteTemplate cmdlet now wont export RoleBindings which are Limited Access. It caused issues while applying the template. #3918


  • Removed UserVoiceForFeedbackEnabled property from Get-PnPTenant as it is deprecated. PR


  • Maxime Hazebroucq [mhazebroucq]
  • Paolo Pialorsi [PaoloPia]
  • Marc Studer [Studermarc]
  • Mark Gort [markgort86]
  • Christian Veenhuis [ChVeen]
  • Tobias Maestrini [tmaestrini]
  • Jenny Wu [msjennywu]
  • Reshmee Auckloo [reshme011]
  • Aimery Thomas [a1mery]
  • Arleta Wanat [PowershellScripts]
  • Giacomo Pozzoni [jackpoz]
  • [blarrywangmsft]
  • Koen Zomers [koenzomers]
  • Erwin van Hunen [erwinvanhunen]

Release 2.4.0

01 Mar 16:10
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  • Added -IsDataAccessInCardDesignerEnabled to Set-PnPTenant which allows for configuring Viva Connections Adaptive Cards to connect to backend services for their data #3635
  • Added Remove-PnPContainer cmdlet to remove the SharePoint embed container. #3629
  • Added Convert-PnPFile cmdlet which allows for a file to be converted to from one format to another. #3435 & #3643
  • Added Merge-PnPTerm cmdlet which allows merging of one term into another. #3638
  • Added Get-PnPDeletedContainer cmdlet which returns a list of all deleted Containers in the recycle bin. #3648
  • Added -Batch parameter to Add-PnPGroupMember cmdlet which allows adding members to a SharePoint group in a batch. #3651
  • Added Get-PnPContainerTypeConfiguration cmdlet which fetches the container type configuration values. #3660
  • Added -AppBypassInformationBarriers and -DefaultOneDriveInformationBarrierMode parameters to Set-PnPTenant cmdlet. #3679
  • Added Get-PnPFileAnalyticsData cmdlet to allow retrieval of file analytics data. #3644
  • Added Get-PnPSiteAnalyticsData cmdlet to allow retrieval of site analytics data. #3645
  • Added Get-PnPPowerPlatformSolution cmdlet to Power Platform solutions. #3675
  • Added New-PnPContainerType cmdlet to create a new SharePoint container type. #3669
  • Added Remove-PnPContainerType cmdlet which removes a specific container type. #3689
  • Added Restore-PnPDeletedContainer cmdlet which recovers a deleted Container from the Recycle Bin. #3661
  • Added the ModerationSettings to be returned with Get-PnPTeamsChannel when passing in -IncludeModerationSettings and using -Identity <channelId> #3580
  • Added AllowNewMessageFromBots, AllowNewMessageFromConnectors, ReplyRestriction and UserNewMessageRestriction to Set-PnPTeamsChannel which allows setting the moderation settings on a Teams channel #3580
  • Added Get-PnPWebPermission cmdlet which retrieves permission given by user for specific web. #3685
  • Added -HorizontalQuickLaunch parameter to Set-PnPWeb cmdlet to allow navigation orientation to be horizontal. #3722
  • Added support for different sovereign cloud environment for Power Platform related cmdlets #3725
  • Added Set-PnPRetentionLabel and Reset-PnPRetentionLabel cmdlets to support setting a retention label on one or more items #3599
  • Added -SiteThumbnailUrl parameter to Set-PnPWebHeader cmmdlet to support setting thumbnail of the site. #3746
  • Added -Like parameter to Set-PnPPage cmdlet to support liking/unliking a modern page. #3788
  • Added Get-PnPPageLikedByInformation cmdlet to retrieve list of users who liked a modern page. #3781


  • Fixed Grant-PnPAzureADAppSitePermission cmdlet which allows it to work in multi-geo environment. #3658
  • Fixed Get-PnPTeamsChannelMessageReply cmdlet which didn't work correctly when -IncludeDeleted parameter was not specified. #3676
  • Fixed Add-PnPNavigationNode cmdlet to also search for nodes in child navigation items. #3625
  • Fixed Get-PnPFlow cmdlet to use the newer Flow URLs instead of the old ARM URLs. #3677
  • Fixed Get-PnPPowerPlatformConnector, Get-PnPPowerPlatformEnvironment, Get-PnPPowerApp, Add-PnPFlowOwner, Disable-PnPFlow, Enable-PnPFlow, Export-PnPFlow, Get-PnPFlowOwner, Get-PnPFlowRun, Remove-PnPFlow, Remove-PnPFlowOwner , Restart-PnPFlow and Stop-PnPFlowRun cmdlets to use the new HTTP endpoints. #3687
  • Fixed Add-PnPHubSiteAssociation cmdlet to allow support for multi-geo scenario. #3568
  • Fixed Enable/Disable-PnPPageScheduling cmdlet to also work with Viva connections enabled site. #3713
  • Fixed Register-PnPManagementShellAccess and Register-PnPAzureADApp cmdlets to also work with custom environment. #3763
  • Fixed Set-PnPPPage cmdlet to only change layout of the page if the parameter is specified. #3777
  • Fixed New-PnPGroup cmdlet to correctly show the group description with HTML making it similar to Set-PnPGroup.


  • -IsFavoriteByDefault parameter is now obsolete in Add-PnPTeamsChannel cmdlet due to deprecation by Microsoft Graph API. #3712
  • Get-PnPSiteTemplate will now only contain PersistPublishingFiles, IncludeNativePublishingFiles, IncludeTermGroupsSecurity, IncludeSearchConfiguration, SkipVersionCheck and PersistMultiLanguageResources if these are provided with the cmdlet as switch parameters #3715
  • Due to backend changes in Microsoft Graph, Get-PnPUnifiedAuditLog cmdlet requires some more permissions. Updated the cmdlet to handle that. #3745


  • Arleta Wanat [PowershellScripts]
  • Jenny Wu [msjennywu]
  • Aimery Thomas [a1mery]
  • Nils Andresen [nils-a]
  • Gautam Sheth [gautamdsheth]
  • Nishkalank Bezawada [NishkalankBezawada]
  • Leon Armston [LeonArmston]
  • Daniel Cecil [danielcecil]
  • Rohit Devmore [rohit404404]
  • Konrad K. [wilecoyotegenius]
  • Kunj Balkrishna Sangani [kunj-sangani]
  • Koen Zomers [koenzomers]
  • Reshmee Auckloo [reshme011]
  • Jørgen Wiik [joHKwi]
  • Siddharth Vaghasia [siddharth-vaghasia]
  • Jürgen Rosenthal-Buroh [JuergenRB]

Release 2.3.0

12 Dec 15:35
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  • Added -MediaTranscription and -MediaTranscriptionAutomaticFeatures to Set-PnPTenant which allows for configuring the media transcription settings. #3238
  • Added -Includes option to Get-PnPListItem which allows for specifying additional fields to be retrieved. #3270
  • Added -AllowCommentsTextOnEmailEnabled parameter to Set-PnPTenant which allows including the surrounding document context in email notification when user is mentioned in document comments. #3268
  • Added Export-PnPPowerApp cmdlet which will export a specified PowerApp as zip package. #2990
  • Added AzureADLoginEndPoint and MicrosoftGraphEndPoint parameters to Connect-PnPOnline cmdlet for use in custom Azure environments. #2925
  • Added Get-PnPFolder cmdlet without any parameters to return the folder representing the root of the current web #3319
  • Added Get-PnPFileInFolder cmdlet which allows retrieval of all files in a folder or site and optionally request additional properties from them #3319
  • Added Get-PnPFolderInFolder cmdlet which allows retrieval of all folders in a folder or site and optionally request additional properties from them #3319
  • Added -SharingStatus parameter to Get-PnPFlow which allows for filtering flows based on their sharing status. #3287
  • Added -AzureADLoginEndPoint and -MicrosoftGraphEndPoint parameters to Connect-PnPOnline cmdlet for use in custom Azure environments. #2925
  • Added SiteOwnerManageLegacyServicePrincipalEnabled parameter to Set-PnPTenant cmdlet. With this parameter site owners will not be able to register/update apps unless the tenant admin explicitly allows it. #3318
  • Added -EnableAutoExpirationVersionTrim, -ExpireVersionsAfterDays, -MajorVersions, -MinorVersions, -InheritTenantVersionPolicySettings, -StartApplyVersionPolicySettingToExistingDocLibs and -CancelApplyVersionPolicySettingToExistingDocLibs to Set-PnPSite to allow for time based version expiration on the site level #3373
  • Added -ReduceTempTokenLifetimeEnabled, -ReduceTempTokenLifetimeValue, -ViewersCanCommentOnMediaDisabled, -AllowGuestUserShareToUsersNotInSiteCollection, -ConditionalAccessPolicyErrorHelpLink, -CustomizedExternalSharingServiceUrl, -IncludeAtAGlanceInShareEmails and -MassDeleteNotificationDisabled to Set-PnPTenant #3348
  • Added Add-PnPFlowOwner and Remove-PnPFlowOwner cmdlets which allow granting or removing permissions to a Power Automate flow #3343
  • Added Get-PnPFlowOwner cmdlet which allows retrieving the owners of a Power Automate flow #3314
  • Added -AvailableForTagging to Set-PnPTerm which allows the available for tagging property on a Term to be set #3321
  • Added Get-PnPPowerPlatformConnector cmdlet which allows for all custom connectors to be retrieved #3309
  • Added Set-PnPSearchExternalItem cmdlet which allows ingesting external items into the Microsoft Search index for custom connectors. #3420
  • Added Get-PnPTenantInfo which allows retrieving tenant information by its Id or domain name #3414
  • Added option to create a Microsoft 365 Group with dynamic membership by passing in -DynamicMembershipRule #3426
  • Added option to pass in a Stream or XML string to Read-PnPTenantTemplate allowing the tenant template to be modified before being applied. #3431
  • Added Get-PnPTenantInfo which allows retrieving tenant information by its Id or domain name. #3414
  • Added option to create a Microsoft 365 Group with dynamic membership by passing in -DynamicMembershipRule #3426
  • Added Get-PnPSiteVersionPolicy which allows retrieval of the version policy settings for a site #3470
  • Added RestrictedAccessControl, ClearRestrictedAccessControl, RemoveRestrictedAccessControlGroups, AddRestrictedAccessControlGroups and RestrictedAccessControlGroups parameters to Set-PnPTenantSite cmdlet to handle restricted access control. #3463
  • Added Get-PnPRetentionLabel cmdlet to retrieve Purview retention labels. #3459
  • Added GCC support for Get-PnPAzureADUser , Add-PnPFlowOwner , Remove-PnPFlowOwner, Sync-PnPSharePointUserProfilesFromAzureActiveDirectory, New-PnPAzureADUserTemporaryAccessPass and Get-PnPAvailableSensitivityLabel cmdlets. #3484
  • Added -Detailed option to Get-PnPTenantDeletedSite to optionally fetch more information on the deleted sites #3550
  • Added a devcontainer for easily building a minimal environment necessary to contribute to the project. #3497
  • Added -RelativeUrl parameter to Connect-PnPOnline cmdlet to allow specifying custom URLs for usage with -WebLogin method. #3530
  • Added -RetryCount to Submit-PnPSearchQuery which allows for specifying the number of retries to perform when an exception occurs #3528
  • Added -MailNickname parameter to Set-PnPMicrosoft365Group cmdlet to allow changing of this property on a Microsoft 365 Group #3529
  • Added -SanNames to New-PnPAzureCertificate which allows for controlling the Subject Alternative Names set on the generated certificate #3555
  • Added Information Barriers information to the output of Get-PnPTenantSite #3556
  • Added RequestFilesLinkEnabled and RequestFilesLinkExpirationInDays to the output of Get-PnPSite #3557
  • Added CoreRequestFilesLinkEnabled, CoreRequestFilesLinkExpirationInDays, OneDriveRequestFilesLinkEnabled, OneDriveRequestFilesLinkExpirationInDays, BusinessConnectivityServiceDisabled to the output of Get-PnPTenant #3557
  • Added -BusinessConnectivityServiceDisabled parameter to Set-PnPTenant cmdlt to allow disabling the Business Connectivity Service #3562
  • Added support for executing the 'Invoke-PnPSPRestMethod' cmdlet in a batch #3565
  • Added Get-PnPSiteSetVersionPolicyProgress cmdlet which allows for getting the progress of setting a version policy for existing document libraries on a site #3564
  • Added EnableSensitivityLabelForPDF to Set-PnPTenant and Get-PnPTenant #3581
  • Added the ability to set Manage and FullControl permissions directly when using Sites.Selected with Grant-PnPAzureADAppSitePermission #3617
  • Added Remove-PnPMicrosoft365GroupPhoto cmdlet which allows removal of profile picture of M365 Group. #3607


  • Fixed Add-PnPContentTypeToList cmdlet to better handle piped lists. #3244
  • Fixed Get-PnPUserProfileProperty cmdlet not allowing basic user profile properties to be retrieved using -Properties #3247
  • Fixed Export-PnPTermGroupToXml cmdlet issue with exporting site collection term groups. #3256
  • Fixed Register-PnPAzureADApp cmdlet issue with creation of Azure AD application. #3265
  • Fixed Get-PnPServiceHealthIssue cmdlet issue with null reference objection. #3286
  • Fixed New-PnPSite cmdlet issue with team site creation when using a connection object. #3285
  • Fixed issue with colliding assemblies when using PnP PowerShell with other modules. #3280
  • Fixed issue with -ArchiveRedirectUrl parameter not working correctly in Set-PnPTenant cmdlet. #3289
  • Fixed New-PnPAzureADGroup cmdlet throwing null reference error when owners and members are not specified. #3308
  • Fixed New-PnPTeamsTeam cmdlet, it will now throw error if it fails to teamify a Microsoft 365 group. #3310
  • Fixed Get-PnPFolderItem cmdlet not accepting piping a folder instance to it #3319
  • Fixed Get-PnPFolderItem cmdlet not working well with the -Recursive and -Identity parameters provided together #3319
  • F...
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Release 2.2.0

30 Jun 13:35
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  • Added DisableDocumentLibraryDefaultLabeling, DisableListSync, IsEnableAppAuthPopUpEnabled, ExpireVersionsAfterDays, MajorVersionLimit and EnableAutoExpirationVersionTrim, OneDriveLoopSharingCapability, OneDriveLoopDefaultSharingLinkScope, OneDriveLoopDefaultSharingLinkRole, CoreLoopSharingCapability, CoreLoopDefaultSharingLinkScope, CoreLoopDefaultSharingLinkRole , DisableVivaConnectionsAnalytics , CoreDefaultLinkToExistingAccess, HideSyncButtonOnTeamSite , CoreBlockGuestsAsSiteAdmin, IsWBFluidEnabled, IsCollabMeetingNotesFluidEnabled, AllowAnonymousMeetingParticipantsToAccessWhiteboards, IBImplicitGroupBased, ShowOpenInDesktopOptionForSyncedFiles , OneDriveRequestFilesLinkExpirationInDays and ShowPeoplePickerGroupSuggestionsForIB parameters to the Set-PnPTenant cmdlet. #2979 and #3015
  • Added -OutFile to Invoke-PnPGraphMethod which allows for the response to be written to a file #2971
  • Added -OutStream to Invoke-PnPGraphMethod which allows for the response to be written to a memory stream #2976
  • Added -PreviousNode to Add-PnPNavigationNode which allows for adding a navigation node after a specific node #2940
  • Added EnableAzureADB2BIntegration to be returned by Get-PnPTenant #3022
  • Added -SkipUrlValidation to Get-PnPSiteCollectionAppCatalog which allows for skipping the URL validation when retrieving the site collection app catalog making it faster but potentially returning URLs that have been renamed #2305
  • Added Get-PnPLargeListOperationStatus cmdlet to retrieve the status of a large list operation. #3033
  • Added -BlockDownloadFileTypePolicy, -BlockDownloadFileTypeIds and -ExcludedBlockDownloadGroupIds parameters to Set-PnPTenant cmdlet. #3081
  • Added -BlockDownloadPolicy, -ExcludeBlockDownloadPolicySiteOwners and ExcludedBlockDownloadGroupIds parameters to Set-PnPTenantSite and Set-PnPSite cmdlets. #3084
  • Added -OpenInNewTab parameter to Add-PnPNavigationNode cmdlet to allow links to be opened in a new tab. #3094
  • Added -ArchiveRedirectUrl to Set-PnPTenant allowing the configuration of a custom page to be shown when navigating to an archived SharePoint Online site #3100
  • Added -BlockSendLabelMismatchEmail to Set-PnPTenant allowing the warning e-mail being sent when uploading a file with a higher sensitivity label than the site it is being uploaded to to be disabled. #3113
  • Added Move-PnPTerm and Move-PnPTermSet cmdlets to allow moving the terms and termsets. #2989
  • Added -VerticalZoneEmphasis parameter to Add-PnPPageSection cmdlet to allow setting the emphasis value for vertical columns. #3129
  • Added -AllowDeletion parameter to Set-PnPList cmdlet to allow or prevent deletion of list from the SharePoint UI. #3142
  • Added EnableClassicAudienceTargeting and EnableModernAudienceTargeting parameters to Set-PnPList cmdlet to enable audience targeting in lists. #3153
  • Added -Attachments parameter to Send-PnPMail cmdlet to allow sending attachments via Microsoft Graph API. #3157
  • Added cmdlets for list item version history: Get-PnPListItemVersion, Restore-PnPListItemVersion and Remove-PnPListItemVersion. #3086
  • Added Add-PnPFileOrganizationalSharingLink and Add-PnPFolderOrganizationalSharingLink cmdlets to allow creating organizational sharing links for files and folders. #3177
  • Added Add-PnPFileUserSharingLink and Add-PnPFolderUserSharingLink cmdlets to allow creating sharing links for files and folders to share them with specified list of users. #3178
  • Added Get-PnPFileSharingLink and Get-PnPFolderSharingLink cmdlets to retrieve sharing links for files and folders respectively. #3181
  • Added Add-PnPFileAnonymousSharingLink and Add-PnPFolderAnonymousSharingLink cmdlets to create anonymous sharing links. #3198
  • Added Add-PnPFileSharingInvite and Add-PnPFolderSharingInvite cmdlets to invite users to a file or a folder. #3199
  • Added Remove-PnPFileSharingLink and Remove-PnPFolderSharingLink cmdlets to delete sharing links associated with files and folders. #3200
  • Added Get-PnPUnfurlLink cmdlet to support unfurling a link to get more information about the link. #3224
  • Added ListsShowHeaderAndNavigation parameter to always show lists with site elements intact when specified in Set-PnPTenantSite and Set-PnPSite cmdlets. #3233


  • Fixed issue with Grant-PnPAzureADAppSitePermission cmdlet where users are not able to set selected site in the Sites.Selected permission. #2983
  • Fixed issue with Get-PnPList cmdlet not working with site-relative URL as identity. #3005
  • Fixed issue with Add-PnPNavigationNode cmdlet where the target audience would not correctly be set when creating a node as a child of a parent node #2940
  • Fixed regressions within the following cmdlets Get-PnPTenantCdnEnabled, Get-PnPTenantCdnOrigin, Get-PnPTenantCdnPolicies, Get-PnPTenantDeletedSite, Get-PnPTenantInstance #3030
  • Fixed issue where Add-PnPSiteCollectionAdmin -PrimarySiteCollectionAdmin <user> would require owners to be specified as well. #3035
  • Fixed Get-PnPAzureADGroup returns only 100 results even if there are more groups present in Azure AD. #3085
  • Fixed Get-PnPAccessToken cmdlet to correctly retrieve the access token for the specified resource URL. #3091
  • Fixed issue with Get-PnPTenantSyncClientRestriction cmdlet not populating the necessary properties. #3099
  • Fixed Add/Set/Get-PnPPage cmdlets when using multilingual translation parameters which caused some exceptions. #3120
  • Fixed New-PnPSite cmdlet now supports creating Team site in non-commercial cloud environments. #885
  • Fixed issue where Get-PnPField cmdlet was throwing error in case -Includes parameter was used. #3225
  • Fixed issue with Add-PnPDataRowsToSiteTemplate cmdlet where it would throw property not initialized error when using -IncludeSecurity parameter. #3226


  • Improved Set-PnPSite cmdlet when using the ScriptSafeDomainName parameter. If a domain is already existing, it will now throw a warning. #3073
  • Change Set-PnPWebhookSubscription to use the same default expiration date as Add-PnPWebhookSubsription cmdlet which is 180 days instead of 6 months.#3106
  • Improved Set-PnPHomePage cmdlet to handle forward slash issue. #3128
  • Improved Connect-PnPOnline cmdlet to handle ping on the destination server to check if it exists. PR and #3154
  • Improved Invoke-PnPGraphMethod cmdlet to show a better error message when sufficient permissions are not available. #3133
  • Improved Add-PnPDataRowsToSiteTemplate cmdlet to retrieve list item with pagination. #3152
  • Improved error message when caused using Graph endpoints used via PnP Core SDK. #3179
  • Improved Add-PnPDataRowsToSiteTemplate cmdlet performance to not load and execute every list item. #3226


  • Removed alias Get-PnPSiteCollectionAppCatalogs for Get-PnPSiteCollectionAppCatalog #2305
  • Removed alias Export-PnPClientSidePage, please use Export-PnPPage cmdlet. #3158
  • Removed alias Export-PnPClientSidePageMapping, please use Export-PnPPageMapping cmdlet. #3158
  • Removed alias Get-PnPClientSideComponent, please use Get-PnPPageComponent cmdlet. #3158
  • Removed alias Remove-PnPClientSideComponent, please use Remove-PnPPageComponent cmdlet. #3158
  • Removed alias Set-PnPClientSideText...
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Release 2.1.1

31 Mar 15:42
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Fixed signing issue in release process.

Release 2.1.0

31 Mar 14:05
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  • Added support for .NET 6.0 since .NET Core 3.1 support is getting deprecated. We have removed support for .NET Core 3.1, so users will have to update from PowerShell 7.0.x to PowerShell 7.2.x or later #2292
  • Added default table formatted output for Get-PnPVivaConnectionsDashboardACE
  • Added Get-PnPAzureADServicePrincipal which allows for service principals/application registrations to be retrieved from Azure Active Directory #2551
  • Added Get-PnPAzureADServicePrincipalAssignedAppRole which allows for the assigned app roles of a service principal/application registration to be retrieved from Azure Active Directory #2551
  • Added Get-PnPAzureADServicePrincipalAvailableAppRole which allows for the available app roles of a service principal/application registration to be retrieved from Azure Active Directory #2551
  • Added Add-PnPAzureADServicePrincipalAppRole which allows for app roles to be assigned to a service principal/application registration in Azure Active Directory #2551
  • Added Remove-PnPAzureADServicePrincipalAppRole which allows for app roles to be removed from a service principal/application registration in Azure Active Directory #2551
  • Added latest added SharePoint Online Site Templates to Set-PnPBuiltInSiteTemplateSettings allowing them to be hidden or shown #2586
  • Added -EnableAzureADB2BIntegration and -SyncAadB2BManagementPolicy parameters to Set-PnPTenant #2631
  • Added -ShowInFiltersPane to Set-PnPField which allows fields to be shown or hidden in the filters pane #2623
  • Added -KeyColumn to Add-PnPDataRowsToSiteTemplate which allows for overwriting existing list items in a site template #2616
  • Added Get-PnPFolderStorageMetric which allows storage usage of a specific folder to be retrieved #2646
  • Added IsTeamsConnected, IsTeamsChannelConnected and TeamChannelType to be returned when Get-PnPTenantSite cmdlet is executed. #2656
  • Added HTTP/2 support for all HTTP requests to improve performance for HTTP requests. #2687
  • Added -EnvironmentVariable parameter to Connect-PnPOnline to connect using Azure environment variables. #2681
  • Added ResponseHeadersVariable parameter to the Invoke-PnPSPRestMethod which if specified will store the response headers values in the PowerShell variable name that is specified. #2711
  • Added -Filter parameter to Get-PnPAzureADServicePrincipal cmdlet to retrieve specific application registrations based on filter conditions. It supports simple and advanced queries. #2710
  • Added -Filter parameter to Get-PnPMicrosoft365Group cmdlet to retrieve specific M365 groups based on filter conditions. It supports simple and advanced queries. #2709
  • Added -CoreRequestFilesLinkExpirationInDays and -CoreRequestFilesLinkEnabled to Set-PnPTenant and -RequestFilesLinkExpirationInDays to Set-PnPSite to allow configuration of the new receive files to SharePoint Online folder feature #2719
  • Added PSVersion tracking, which tracks the PowerShell version being used. #Commit
  • Added -Bcc option to Send-PnPMail #2726
  • Added -AudienceIds option to Add-PnPNavigationNode to allow setting the audience for a navigation node #2736
  • Added -PrimarySiteCollectionAdmin to Add-PnPSiteCollectionAdmin to allow for the primary site collection admin to be set on the current site #2750
  • Added -PrimarySiteCollectionAdmin to Set-PnPTenantSite to allow for the primary site collection admin to be set on a provided site #2750
  • Added additional fallback logic for retrieving tokens in Azure VM scenario using well-know endpoint when using Managed Identity authentication. #2761
  • Added -IsVivaConnectionsDefaultStartForCompanyPortalSiteEnabled parameter to Get-PnPHomeSite which returns information on whether Viva Connections landing experience is set to the SharePoint home site. #2779
  • Added -VivaConnectionsDefaultStart parameter to Set-PnPHomeSite which sets the home site to the provided site collection url and keeps the Viva Connections landing experience to the SharePoint home site. #2779
  • Added -LargeList parameter to Remove-PnPList cmdlet which improves the list recycling experience for Lists containing huge number of items. #2778
  • Added support for specifying the ContentUrl and WebsiteUrl configuration in Add-PnPTeamsTab cmdlet when trying to add a SharePoint page or list as a tab in Teams channel. #2807
  • Added -CheckinType parameter to Add-PnPFile cmdlet which provides the option to specify the checkin type for a file. The default value is set to MinorCheckIn. #2806
  • Added -DefaultSensitivityLabelForLibrary to Set-PnPList which allows setting the default sensitivity label for a library. #2825
  • Added -ApplicationId as alias for -ClientId in Connect-PnPOnline and Request-PnPAccessToken cmdlets. #2805
  • Added -Connection option to Connect-PnPOnline which allows of reusing an authenticated connection to connect to a different site #2821
  • Added -UserAssignedManagedIdentityAzureResourceId and -UserAssignedManagedIdentityClientId as alternatives to -UserAssignedManagedIdentityObjectId for Connect-PnPOnline -ManagedIdentity to provide an user managed identity to authenticate with. #2813
  • Added clearer error message when connecting using an expired client secret and trying to execute a command.#2828
  • Added Undo-PnPFileCheckedOut which allows a checked out file to discard its changes and revert to the last checked in version. #2837
  • Added option for sending e-mail using Microsoft Graph and through a SMTP server of choice in the Send-PnPMail cmdlet #2880
  • Added -OpenDocumentsMode option to Set-PnPList which allows configuring if documents should be opened in the browser or in the local client #2873
  • Added -Properties parameter to Get-PnPUserProfileProperty cmdlet which allows retrieval of specific properties if specified. #2840
  • Added support for specifying the -ContentUrl configuration in Add-PnPTeamsTab cmdlet when trying to add a Planner as a tab in Teams channel. #2850
  • Added Get-PnPSharePointAddIn cmdlet to retrive list of SharePoint addins installed in the site collection. #2920
  • Added Get-PnPAzureACSPrincipal cmdlet to retrieve list of installed Azure ACS Principals in the site collection or tenant. #2920
  • Added -LogoFilePath parameter to Register-PnPAzureADApp cmdlet to allow setting the logo for the Azure AD app. #2881
  • Added support for -Verbose in Move-PnPFile which will show if it has problems determining if the destination location is a folder or a file #2888
  • Added CalendarMemberReadOnly and ConnectorsDisabled as -ResourceBehaviorOptions to New-PnPMicrosoft365Group #2929
  • Added -Identity option to Get-PnPPowerPlatformEnvironment which allows retrieval of one specific environment by its displayname or id. #2794
  • Added Get-PnPPowerApp which allows PowerApps to be retrieved #2794
  • Added -DisableCommenting to Set-PnPList which allows enabling or disabling commenting on a list. #2939
  • Added -EnableAutoExpirationVersionTrim and -ExpireVersionsAfterDays to Set-PnPList which allows enabling or disabling auto expiration of versions on a list or library based on the days passed. #2869
  • Added -Detailed parameter to Get-PnPHomeSite which will return detailed information on all home sites configured on the tenant #2954


  • Update-PnPVivaConnectionsDashboardACE is now called Set-PnPVivaConnectionsDashboardACE but Update-PnPVivaConnectionsDashboardACE will still work as an alias.
  • All `Set|Get|Remove-PnPVivaConnection...
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Release 1.12.0

10 Nov 17:21
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  • Added -DisableGridEditing option to Set-PnPList which allows gridview editing to be enabled or disabled on a list #2188
  • Added verbose logging for Invoke-PnPSiteSwap, Restore-PnPTenantSite and cmdlets which depend on SpoOperation. #2207
  • Added support for DisplayNamesOfFileViewers and DisplayNamesOfFileViewersInSpo properties in Get-PnPTenant and Set-PnPTenant cmdlets to show/hide viewers in property pane for a file. #2271
  • Added MailEnabled, PreferredDataLocation, PreferredLanguage and SecurityEnabled parameters to New-PnPMicrosoft365Group cmdlet. #2268
  • Added -DraftVersionVisibility parameter to the Set-PnPList cmdlet to specify draft item security for list items. #2285
  • Added support for -ErrorAction:Stop to PnP PowerShell cmdlets. Notice that if you were using this in combination with the specific try/catch [System.Management.Automation.PSInvalidOperationException], it will no longer catch the exception. It will throw an System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord exception instead. Remove the -ErrorAction:Stop parameter from your cmdlet or catch this new exception type to avoid this behavior. #2288
  • Added ability to create shared Teams channels using Add-PnPTeamsChannel -ChannelType Shared #2308
  • Added support for IsLoopEnabled properties in Get-PnPTenant and Set-PnPTenant cmdlets to to enable/disable loop components in the tenant. #2307
  • Added support for SubscribeMembersToCalendarEventsDisabled resource behavior option in New-PnPMicrosoft365Group and New-PnPTeamsTeam cmdlet. #2349
  • Added -OneDriveRequestFilesLinkEnabled option to Set-PnPTenant to allow configuring the request files anonymously feature on the tenant level #2360
  • Added -RequestFilesLinkEnabled option to Set-PnPSite to allow configuring the request files anonymously feature on a per site collection level #2360
  • Added ScriptSafeDomainName option to Set-PnPSite to allow contributors to insert iframe from specified domains only. #2363
  • Added AlertTemplateName paramter to Add-PnPAlert to allow configuring the Alert Template type name in the email. #2362
  • Added Get-PnPAzureADActivityReportDirectoryAudit to retrieve the audit logs generated by Azure AD. #2095
  • Added -Path option to Set-PnPList which allows the url of a list to be changed within the same site #2381
  • Added -Force option to Set-PnPListem to force it to update a list item even without changing something. Can be useful in i.e. triggering a webhook. #2396
  • Added ImageUrl, PageImageAlignment, ImageHeight and ImageWidth parameters to Add-PnPPageTextPart cmdlet so that users can add an inline image into a text webpart. #2401
  • Added TextBeforeImage and TextAfterImage parameters to Add-PnPPageTextPart cmdlet so that users can add before and after text for an inline image into a text webpart. #2403
  • Added Add-PnPPageImageWebPart cmdlet to allow users to easily add Image to a modern page. #2406
  • Added system assigned Managed Identity support for SharePoint Online cmdlets. #2354
  • Added user assigned Managed Identity support for Microsoft Graph and SharePoint Online cmdlets. #2491
  • Added Get-PnPTeamsTag cmdlet to retrieve Team tags information. #2414
  • Added Properties attribute to Update-PnPVivaConnectionsDashboardACE to allow for updating the properties of a Viva Connections dashboard ACE component using its typed properties #2433
  • Added Set-PnPTeamsTag cmdlet to update Team tags information. #2419
  • Added Remove-PnPTeamsTag cmdlet to delete a Team tag. #2419
  • Added Disable-PnPPowerShellTelemetry cmdlet to disable telemetry collection. #2432
  • Added Enable-PnPPowerShellTelemetry cmdlet to enable telemetry collection. #2432
  • Added Get-PnPAzureADActivityReportSignIn cmdlet to enable retrieving of Azure AD sign ins. #2436
  • Added support to remove the site collection app catalog by using Id of the site collection in Remove-PnPSiteCollectionAppCatalog cmdlet. #2452
  • Added support for the EnableRestrictedAccessControl parameter to Set-PnPTenant and RestrictedAccessControl for Set-PnPSite to restrict site access to members of a Microsoft 365 group. #2462
  • Added Set-PnPImageListItemColumn cmdlet to support setting of the new image/thumbnail value for a SharePoint list item.#2468
  • Added -Filter parameter to Get-PnPTeamsTeam cmdlet to retrieve specific teams based on filter conditions. It supports simple and advanced queries. #2467 , #2474
  • Added Get-PnPMicrosoft365ExpiringGroup cmdlet to retrieve Microsoft 365 groups which are nearing expiration.#2466
  • Added additional parameters to Set-PnPContentType cmdlet to support SPFx form customizer related properties.#2456
  • Added -Filter parameter to Get-PnPAzureADApp cmdlet to retrieve specific Azure AD apps based on filter conditions. It suppports simple and advanced queries. #2477
  • Added Get-PnPDeletedTeam cmdlet to retrieve all deleted Microsoft Teams teams #2487
  • Added -ServerRelativePath and -Path parameters to Set-PnPImageListItemColumn cmdlet to allow for file to be uploaded for the Image type column. #2503
  • Added support for sovereign tenants in Get-PnPTenandId by utilizing the -AzureEnvironment parameter. #2512


  • Changed to no longer require https:// to be prefixed when using Connect-PnPOnline -Url #2139
  • Get-PnPAvailableSensitivityLabel cmdlet now uses the non-deprecated Graph API to retrieve sensitivity label. #2234
  • Improved Get-PnPMicrosoft365Group cmdlet to better check the Id, DisplayName and MailNickname of Microsoft 365 Group. #2258
  • Improved Get-PnPStorageEntity cmdlet when Key parameter is specified. #2275
  • Improved Get-PnPAuthenticationRealm cmdlet to use HTTP Client instead of WebRequest. #2304
  • Changed Get-PnPRoleDefinition so that it now also supports the role definition Id to be used with -Identity as well as the role definition name #2336
  • Creating private Teams channels formerly using Add-PnPTeamsChannel -Private should now use Add-PnPTeamsChannel -ChannelType Private instead #2308
  • Improved Get-PnPAuthenticationRealm cmdlet to use HTTPClient instead of WebRequest. #2304
  • Improved Connect-PnPOnline with ACS method. Replace the usage of WebRequest with HTTPClient. #2352
  • Improved Remove-PnPFieldFromContentType cmdlet to ensure proper null check for non-existing fields. It will now throw proper Field not found error. #2407
  • Changed the Microsoft 365 Groups cmdlets to use the v1.0 endpoint instead of the beta #2426
  • Changed Add-PnPMicrosoft365GroupToSite to longer require the -Url parameter to be specified. If its not provided, the currently connected to site will be groupified. #2496
  • Changed Restore-PnPRecycleBinItem , made -Identity parameter as non-mandatory. #2499


  • Marked -Resource parameter from Get-PnPAccessToken cmdlet as obsolete as it was not used anymore anyway. It will be removed in a future version. #2182
  • Removed -SystemUpdate option from Set-PnPListItem as it has been deprecated two years ago. Use -UpdateType SystemUpdate instead #2396


  • Fixed issue where passing in -Connection to Disconnect-PnPOnline would throw an exception #2093
  • Fixed Get-PnPSiteSearchQueryResults thr...
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Release 1.11.0

01 Jul 14:10
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  • Added -Wait and -Verbose optional paramarers to New-PnPUPABulkImportJob #1752
  • Added Add-PnPTeamsChannelUser which allows members and owners to be added to private channels in Teams #1735
  • Added Channel parameter to Add-PnPTeamsUser cmdlet which if specified will allow owners and members to be added to private channels in a Teams Team. #1772
  • Added the ability to retrieve site collection information by its Id using Get-PnPTenantSite -Identity <id> #1766
  • Added ResourceBehaviorOptions option in New-PnPMicrosoft365Group cmdlet to set ResourceBehaviorOptions while provisioning a Microsoft 365 Group. #1774
  • Added Add-PnPTeamsChannelUser which allows members and owners to be added to private channels in Teams #1735
  • Added ExcludeVisualPromotedResults parameter to Get-PnPSearchConfiguration which excludes promoted results #1750
  • Added MediaTranscription parameter to Set-PnPTenantSite and Set-PnPSite cmdlets which when enabled allows videos to have transcripts generated on demand or generated automatically in certain scenarios.
  • Added -SensitivityLabels parameter to New-PnPTeamsTeam and New-PnPMicrosoft365Group cmdlets to apply sensitivity label to the Microsoft 365 Group and Team.
  • Added -SensitivityLabels parameter to Set-PnPMicrosoft365Group cmdlets to apply sensitivity label to the Microsoft 365 Group and Team.
  • Added MediaTranscription parameter to Set-PnPTenantSite and Set-PnPSite cmdlets which when enabled allows videos to have transcripts generated on demand or generated automatically in certain scenarios
  • Added Get-PnPTeamsChannelFilesFolder cmdlet to retrieve metadata for the location where files of a Teams channel are stored. #1799
  • Added Get-PnPVivaConnectionsDashboardACE to retrieve the Adaptive Card extensions from the Viva connections dashboard page. #1805
  • Added Add-PnPVivaConnectionsDashboardACE to add an Adaptive Card extension to the Viva connections dashboard page. #1805
  • Added Update-PnPVivaConnectionsDashboardACE to update an Adaptive Card extension in the Viva connections dashboard page. #1805
  • Added Remove-PnPVivaConnectionsDashboardACE to remove an Adaptive Card extension in the Viva connections dashboard page. #1805
  • Added Accept parameter to Invoke-PnPSPRestMethod cmdlet which if specified will pass the Accept HTTP request header. #1795
  • Added Get-PnPFlowRun cmdlet to retrieve a specific run, or all runs from a specific Power Automate flow. #1819
  • Added Invoke-PnPGraphMethod cmdlet to invoke generic Microsoft Graph API Methods. #1820
  • Added TimeZone parameter to New-PnPSite cmdlet which allows setting of the site collection in the specified timezone.
  • Added Stop-PnPFlowRun cmdlet to stop/cancel a specific Power Automate flow run. #1838
  • Added Remove-PnPTeamsChannelUser cmdlet to remove a user from a private channel. #1840
  • Added Get-PnPListItemPermission cmdlet to retrieve item level permissions. #1534
  • Added Get-PnPTeamsChannelMessageReply to retrieve all replies or a specific reply of a message in a Teams channel #1885
  • Added -Identity parameter to Get-PnPTeamsChannelMessage cmdlet to retrieve a specific message #1887
  • Added new PnP.PowerShell image which also gets published to Docker Hub. #1580
  • Added capability to Debug the module in Visual Studio. #1880
  • Added Set-PnPTeamsChannelUser cmdlet to update the role of user in a private channel. #1865
  • Added Restart-PnPFlowRun which allows for a failed Power Automate flow run to be retried #1915
  • Added optional -Connection parameter to Get-PnPConnection, Get-PnPContext and Set-PnPContext which allows for using any of these for a specific connection #1919
  • Added -IncludeDeprecated parameter to Get-PnPTerm cmdlet to fetch deprecated terms if specified #1903
  • Added -IncludeContentType parameter, which if specified will retrieve content type information of the list items. #1921
  • Added optional -ValidateConnection to Connect-PnPOnline which will check if the site you are connecting to exists and if not, will throw an exception #1924
  • Added -Description and -Priority to Set-PnPPlannerTask #1947
  • Added AllowTenantMoveWithDataMigration to Get-PnPPlannerConfiguration and Set-PnPPlannerConfiguration #1934
  • Added the ability to retrieve a Planner plan by only its Id using Get-PnPPlannerPlan -Identity <id> #1935
  • Added Add-PnPListItemAttachment cmdlet to provide ability to upload a file as an attachment to a SharePoint list item. #1932
  • Added Remove-PnPListItemAttachment cmdlet to provide ability to delete a list item attachment. #1932
  • Added Get-PnPListItemAttachment cmdlet to download the attachments from a list item. #1932
  • Added -ReturnTyped parameter to Get-PnPField cmdlet so that it returns specific type instead of the generic field type. [#1888] (#1888)
  • Added Add-PnPViewsFromXML cmdlet to create one or more views in a list based on an XML string. #1963
  • Added -ExemptFromBlockDownloadOfNonViewableFiles parameter to Set-PnPList cmdlet to configure access capabilites for unmanaged devices at list level. #1973
  • Added -PercentComplete, -Priority, -StartDateTime, -DueDateTime and -Description to Add-PnPPlannerTask #1964
  • Added Set-PnPContentType cmdlet to update the properties of the Content Types in a list or a web. #1981
  • Added -SharingCapability parameter to the New-PnPTenantSite cmdlet to update the Sharing capabilties of the newly provisioned classic site collection. #1994
  • Added optional -IncludeAllLists to Get-PnPSiteScriptFromWeb which will include the JSON definition of all custom lists of the current site in the output #1987
  • Added -UpdateChildren parameter to Add-PnPFieldToContentType cmdlet. This allows users to skip pushing the fields to child content types. #1992
  • Added optional -SensitivityLabel to Set-PnPSite which allows for a Microsoft Purview sensitivitylabel to be set #2024
  • Added -UpdateChildren parameter to Add-PnPFieldToContentType cmdlet. This allows users to skip pushing the fields to child content types. #1092
  • Added Get-PnPAvailableSensitivityLabel cmdlet to retrieve Microsoft Purview sensitivity labels available on the tenant #2023
  • Added Get-PnPSiteSensitivityLabel cmdlet to retrieve the Microsoft Purview sensitivity label set on the current site #2036
  • Added Set-PnPSiteClassification cmdlet which allows setting a classic site classification on the current site #2036
  • Added Set-PnPSiteSensitivityLabel cmdlet which allows setting a Microsoft Purview sensitivity label on the current site #2036
  • Added Remove-PnPSiteSensitivityLabel cmdlet which allows removing the Microsoft Purview sensitivity label from the current site #2036
  • Added Get-PnPSensitivityLabel cmdlet to retrieve Microsoft Purview sensitivity labels available on the tenant #2023
  • Added Get-Microsoft365GroupYammerCommunity cmdlet to retrieve details on the Yammer Community connected to a Microsoft 365 Group #2038
  • Added Get-Microsoft365GroupTeam cmdlet to retrieve details on the Microsoft Teams team connected to a Microsoft 365 Group #2038
  • Added Get-Microsoft365GroupEndpoints cmdlet to retrieve details on all endpoints connected to a Microsoft 365 Group #2038
  • Added -ExcludeDeletedSites optional parameter to Get-PnPSiteCollectionAppCatalogs which allows for site collections with App Catalogs that are in the re...
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Release 1.10.0

30 Mar 13:44
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  • Added additional properties to the users returned by Get-PnPMicrosoft365GroupMember such as userType #1474
  • Added Update-PnPTeamsUser cmdlet to change the role of a user in an existing Teams team #1499
  • Added Get\New\Remove\Set-PnPMicrosoft365GroupSettings cmdlets to interact with Microsoft 365 Group settings.
  • Added Get-PnPMicrosoft365GroupSettingTemplates cmdlet to retrieve system wide Microsoft 365 Group setting templates.
  • Added Add\Remove\Invoke\Get-PnPListDesign cmdlets to add a list design, remove a list design and apply the list design.
  • Added DisablePersonalListCreation parameter to Set-PnPTenant cmdlet to provide ability to disable personal lists creation #1545
  • Added DisabledModernListTemplateIds and EnableModernListTemplateIds parameters to Set-PnPTenant cmdlet to provide ability to disable or enable modern lists with specific Ids #1545
  • Added DisablePersonalListCreation and DisabledModernListTemplateIds values to be displayed when using Get-PnPTenant cmdlet #1545
  • Added Add\Remove\Set-PnPAdaptiveScopeProperty cmdlets to add/update/remove a property bag value while dealing with the noscript toggling in one cmdlet #1556
  • Added support to add multiple owners and members in New-PnPTeamsTeam cmdlet #1241
  • Added the ability to set the title of a new modern page in SharePoint Online using Add-PnPPage to be different from its filename by using -Title
  • Added optional -UseBeta parameter to Get-PnPAzureADUser to force it to use the Microsoft Graph beta endpoint. This can be necessary when i.e. using -Select "PreferredDataLocation" to query for users with a specific multi geo location as this property is only available through the beta endpoint. #1559
  • Added -Content option to Add-PnPFile which allows creating a new file on SharePoint Online and directly providing its textual content, i.e. to upload a log file of the execution #1559
  • Added Get-PnPTeamsPrimaryChannel to get the primary Teams channel, general, of a Team #1572
  • Added IgnoreDefaultProperties parameter to Get-PnPAzureADUser to allow for the default properties not to be retrieved but instead just the ones you specify using Select #1575
  • Added Publish\Unpublish-PnPContentType to allow for content types to be published or unpublished on hub sites #1597
  • Added Get-PnPContentTypePublishingStatus to get te current publication state of a content type in the content type hub site #1597
  • Added ability to pipe the output of Get-PnPTenantDeletedSite to either Restore-PnPTenantDeletedSite or Remove-PnPTenantDeletedSite #1596
  • Added Rename-PnPTenantSite to rename a SharePoint Online site URL #1606
  • Added optional -Wait option to Sync-PnPSharePointUserProfilesFromAzureActiveDirectory to allow for the script to wait until the user profile sync has completed
  • Added optional -Verbose option to Sync-PnPSharePointUserProfilesFromAzureActiveDirectory to allow for seeing the progress of the synchronization process
  • Added Copy-PnPTeamsTeam which allows an existing Teams team to be copied into a new Team #1624
  • Added Set-PnPMessageCenterAnnouncementAsRead which allows setting one or more message center announcements as read for the current user #1151
  • Added Set-PnPMessageCenterAnnouncementAsUnread which allows setting one or more message center announcements as unread for the current user #1151
  • Added Set-PnPMessageCenterAnnouncementAsArchived which allows setting one or more message center announcements as archived for the current user #1151
  • Added Set-PnPMessageCenterAnnouncementAsNotArchived which allows setting one or more message center announcements as not archived for the current user #1151
  • Added Set-PnPMessageCenterAnnouncementAsFavorite which allows setting one or more message center announcements as favorite for the current user #1151
  • Added Set-PnPMessageCenterAnnouncementAsNotFavorite which allows setting one or more message center announcements as not favorite for the current user #1151
  • Added -AsMemoryStream option to Get-PnPFile to allow for downloading of a file from SharePoint Online in memory for further processing #1638
  • Added -Stream option to Read-PnPSiteTemplate to allow for processing on a PnP Provisioning Template coming from memory #1638
  • Added New-PnPAzureADUserTemporaryAccessPass which allows creation of a Temporary Access Pass for a specific user in Azure Active Directory
  • Added -Force option to Set-PnPTenant to allow skipping the confirmation question for certain other parameters like SignInAccelerationDomain,EnableGuestSignInAcceleration,BccExternalSharingInvitations,OrphanedPersonalSitesRetentionPeriod,OneDriveForGuestsEnabled,AllowDownloadingNonWebViewableFiles.
  • Added Get-PnPCompatibleHubContentTypes which allows the list of content types present in the content type hub site that can be added to the root web or a list on a target site to be returned #1678


  • Improved Add-PnPTeamsUser cmdlet. The cmdlet executes faster and we can now add users in batches of 200. #1548
  • The Move\Remove\Rename-PnPFolder cmdlets now support pipebinds.
  • Changed Add-PnPDataRowsToSiteTemplate, it will return a warning if user(s) are not found during list item extraction. Earlier it used to throw error and stop extraction of list items.
  • Changed the return type of Sync-PnPSharePointUserProfilesFromAzureActiveDirectory to return our own entity instead of the one returned by CSOM #1559
  • Changed running Sync-PnPSharePointUserProfilesFromAzureActiveDirectory with -WhatIf to also provide a return entity providing the path to where the JSON file has been uploaded to #1559
  • Disabling telemetry collection now requires either setting the environment variable or creating the telemetry file (documentation) #1504
  • Changed Get-PnPAzureADUser to now return all the users in Azure Active Directory by default, instead of only the first 999, unless you specified -EndIndex:$null #1565
  • Changed Get-PnPTenantDeletedSite -Identity no longer returning an unknown exception when no site collection with the provided Url exists in the tenant recycle bin but instead returning no output to align with other cmdlets #1596
  • Changed Connect-PnPOnline -UseWebLogin to no longer suppress errors which should allow for certificate logins to be used #1706
  • The cmdlet New-PnPTeamsTeam no longer supports adding members or owners through their e-mail addresses, if they differ from their UPNs. The User Principal Names must be used instead #1241


  • Fixed Set-PnPSite not working with DisableCompanyWideSharingLinks parameter.
  • Fixed Get-PnPListPermissions returning wrong information in case of broken inheritance.
  • Fixed Submit-PnPSearchQuery -Query "somequery" yielding an error when no results #1520
  • Fixed Set-PnPTenantSite not setting SharingCapability property correctly.
  • Fixed Get-PnPMicrosoft365Group retrieving non-Unified groups when parameters are not specified.
  • Fixed Get-PnPRecycleBinListItem not retrieving second stage items if only RowLimit is specified.
  • Fixed Add-PnPDataRowsToSiteTemplate issue with PnP templates when it contained multilingual references.
  • Fixed Copy-PnPItemProxy is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program error with the cmdlet.
  • Fixed Add-PnPMicrosoft365GroupMember, Remove-PnPMicrosoft365GroupMember, Add-PnPTeamsUser and Remove-PnPTeamsUser not being able to handle guest accounts containing # characters #1523
  • Fixed not being able to pipe Get-PnPHubSite to Get-PnPHubSiteChild to retrieve all site collections which are associated to any hub site #1571
  • Fixed Add-PnPFileToSiteTemplate when used alongside Get-PnPFile where the FileStream tried to overwrite an already open filestream when a file was located in the same directory as the template file itself.
  • Fixed Get-PnPMessageCenterAnnouncement returning an error #1607
  • Fixed New-PnPTeamsTeam issue when adding Owners and Members.
  • Fixed running an admin cmdlet not always returning to the same cont...
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Release 1.9.0

22 Dec 22:43
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  • Added Get-PnPTenantInstance which will return one or more tenant instances, depending if you have a multi-geo or single-geo (default) tenant.
  • Added optional -ScheduledPublishDate parameter to Add-PnPPage and Set-PnPPage to allow for scheduling a page to be published
  • Added -RemoveScheduledPublish to Set-PnPPage to allow for a page publish schedule to be removed
  • Added support for off peak SharePoint Syntex content classification and extraction for lists and folders via new -OffPeak and -Folder parameters for Request-PnPSyntexClassifyAndExtract
  • Added Get\Set-PnPPlannerConfiguration to allow working with the Microsoft Planner tenant configuration
  • Added Get\Set-PnPPlannerUserPolicy to allow setting Microsoft Planner user policies for specific users
  • Added Get\Add\Remove-PnPPlannerRoster which allows a Microsoft Planner Roster to be created, retrieved or removed
  • Added Get\Add\Remove-PnPPlannerRosterMember to be able to read, add and remove members from a Microsft Planner Roster
  • Added Get-PnPPlannerRosterPlan to be able to retrieve the Microsoft Planner plans inside a Microsoft Planner Roster or the ones belonging to a specific user
  • Added support for off peak SharePoint Syntex content classification and extraction for lists and folders via new -OffPeak and -Folder parameters for Request-PnPSyntexClassifyAndExtract
  • Added Invoke-PnPSiteScript which allows for a Site Script to be executed on a site without needing to have it registered in a site design or site script first
  • Added Copy-PnPList which allows for a copy of a SharePoint list to be made in the same site or to another site. Copying along list item data is not yet possible but will follow in a later release.
  • Added Get\Set-PnPWebHeader to work with the Change the look > Header options of a site
  • Added Enable-PnPPageScheduling and Disable-PnPPageScheduling to enable or disable page publishing scheduling on modern pages
  • Added ability to add multiple users to a Teams team in the Add-PnPTeamsUser cmdlet
  • Added -Credentials $cred or -CurrentCredentials to be allowed to be used in combination with Connect-PnPOnline -SPOManagementshell
  • Added -InformationBarriersMode in the Set-PnPTenantSite cmdlet which allows fine tuning of the information barriers mode per site collection
  • Added -InformationBarriersSuspension in the Set-PnPTenant cmdlet which allows information barriers to be enabled or disabled in a tenant
  • Added -Recycle parameter to Remove-PnPPage to delete the page and send it to the recycle bin. This prevents permanently deleting the page and you can also restore it.
  • Added -DemoteNewsArticle parameter to the Set-PnPPage cmdlet to demote an existing news post to a regular page.
  • Added -Translate and -TranslationLanguageCodes parameters to Set-PnPPage and Add-PnPPage. This enables multilingual page creation in sites.
  • Added DisableSpacesActivation state to be returned with Get-PnPTenant
  • Added -AllowFilesWithKeepLabelToBeDeletedSPO and -AllowFilesWithKeepLabelToBeDeletedODB options to Set-PnPTenant which allows configuration of files on SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business being blocked by a retention policy to be possible to be deleted anyway and then moved to the preservation hold library. The default for SharePoint Online for this will change as announced in Message Center announcement MC264360. This will allow reverting it. The current values can be retrieved using Get-PnPTenant.
  • Added DisableAddToOneDrive state to be returned with Get-PnPTenant cmdlet.
  • Added -DisableAddToOneDrive to Set-PnPTenant cmdlet to enable/disable users from adding shortcuts to OneDrive.
  • Added optional -Site parameter to Add-PnPContentTypesFromContenTypeHub which allows a specific site to be specified to add the content type hub content types to
  • Added Set-PnPBuiltInSiteTemplateSettings and Get-PnPBuiltInSiteTemplateSettings to allow making the built in SharePoint Online site templates visible or hidden and getting their current settings
  • Added support for Channel sites (ID 69) to Add-PnPSiteDesign, Set-PnPSiteDesign and Add-PnPSiteDesignFromWeb
  • Added optional -IsDefault option to Get-PnPPowerPlatformEnvironment which allows just the default or non default environments to be returned. If not provided, all environments will be returned as was the case before this addition.
  • Added ResourceBehaviorOptions option in New-PnPTeamsTeam cmdlet to set ResourceBehaviorOptions while provisioning a Team
  • Added alias on Copy-PnPFile for Copy-PnPFolder. It could already be used to copy a folder, but to make this more clear, and as we already had a Copy/Move-PnPFolder as well, the same cmdlet is now also available under its alternative cmdlet name.
  • Added IsFluidEnabled state to be returned with Get-PnPTenant cmdlet.
  • Added -IsFluidEnabled to Set-PnPTenant cmdlet to enable/disable users from using Fluid components.
  • Added Add\Get\Remove-PnPListItemComment cmdlets to deal with list item comments. Using these cmdlets, you will now be able to add, retrieve and delete list item comments. #1462
  • Added -ResourceTypeName and -ResourceUrl parameters to Get-PnPAccessToken to fetch access token of specified resource. #1451


  • Improved Get-PnPFile cmdlet to handle large file downloads
  • Updated Sync-PnPSharePointUserProfilesFromAzureActiveDirectory to also allow results from Get-PnPAzureADUser -Delta to be provided through -Users.
  • A clearer error message will now be returned when using Add-PnPListItem -List and specifying an invalid list name.
  • Response of Add-PnPContentTypesFromContenTypeHub is now returned in the root of the response as well as under Value as it was previously for backwards compatibility.
  • Improved synopsis documentation for Update-PnPUserType cmdlet.
  • Improved documentation of Add-PnPField, reflects the missing -AddToAllContentTypes parameter.
  • Improved documentation of Get-PnPTaxonomyItem with addition of new example and removing obsolete parameters.
  • Improved documentation of Get-PnPTerm, fixed typos.
  • Improved Add-PnPHubToHubAssociation. It will now throw error if both, source and destination, sites are not Hub sites, currently it fails silently without any information to the user. #1390


  • Fixed Get-PnPGroupMember -User not properly returning the specified user
  • Fixed group member retrieval through Get-PnPAzureADGroupOwner and Get-PnPAzureAdGroupMember throwing an exception when a security group has been placed in the Azure Active Directory group being queried
  • Fixed an issue where Set-PnPPage would not be able to find a page if you would start the -Identity with a forward slash
  • Fixed an issue where Set-PnPPage would not return its parent Folder
  • Fixed Set-PnPListItem not working when using Label and Values parameters together
  • Fixed documentation for Get-PnPFlow and Enable-PnPFlow cmdlets
  • Fixed issue with Add-PnPListFoldersToProvisioningTemplate not working when having nested folder structure
  • Fixed documentation for Get-PnPFlow and Enable-PnPFlow cmdlets
  • Fixed Sync-PnPSharePointUserProfilesFromAzureActiveDirectory not being able to deal with multi value properties on the Azure Active Directory side, such as BusinessPhones
  • Fixed Add-PnPListItem issue with setting MultiChoice columns when using -Batch parameter
  • Fixed issue with Remove-PnPListItem when trying to use it with Batch parameter
  • Fixed Add-PnPDataRowsToSiteTemplate not exporting TaxonomyFieldValues properly
  • Fixed Add/Set-PnPListItem issue with managed metadata / taxonomy field value failing in a batched request.
  • Fixed Set-PnPListItem issue with setting Modified date value properly when using -Batch parameter.
  • Fixed Get-PnPTeamsTeam -Identity throwing an exception if the name of the team would contain special characters
  • Fixed Get-PnPTerm throwing an exception when used in combination with -Includes #1384
  • Fixed Get-PnPDiagnostics throwing an unable to cast exception under some circumstances #1380
  • Fixed Get-PnPTeamsTab issue with missing TeamsApp object values. It will now populate TeamsApp object with Id, DisplayName, ExternalId and DistributionMethod properties if available. #1459


  • Removed Add-PnPClientSidePage as that was marked deprecated. Use Add-PnPPage instead.
  • Removed Get-PnPSubWebs as that was marked deprecated a year ago. Use Get-PnPSubWeb instead. #1394


  • Koen Zomers [koenzomers]
  • Bert Jansen [jansenbe]
  • Gautam Sheth [gautamdsheth]
  • [reusto]
  • Asad Refai [asadrefai]
  • Daniel Huber [daniel0611]
  • Bart-Jan Dekker [bjdekker]
  • Giacomo Pozzoni [jackpoz]
  • Chris Kent [thechriskent]
  • Filip Bosmans [FilipBosmans]
  • [zylantha]
  • Justin [pagejustin]
  • Collin Argo [SCollinA]
  • Leon Armston [LeonArmston]
  • Lars Höög [h00g]
  • [kachihro]
  • [Andy-Dawson]
  • David Aeschlimann [TashunkoWitko]
  • [outorted]
  • [dkardokas]
  • Asad Refai [asadrefai]