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Carlos Castillo edited this page Apr 28, 2015 · 15 revisions

Essential API

The following are the essential elements of the API.



Method TwitterCollectorAPI.startTask() - start collection


Method TwitterCollectorAPI.stopTask() - stop collection

Additional API

The following are additional elements of the API and/or obsolete documentation prior to 2015-04-28. These should be integrated into the documentation above or moved to the Javadoc-based documentation.

Base URI: http://host:port/AIDRCollector/webresources

Twitter Collector

URL: Base URI + 'twitter/'

1. Start a collection

POST Method: /start Request Headers: Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json

Request Body Example:

"collectionCode": "JapanEQ2013",
"collectionName": "Japan Earthquake",
"toTrack": "#earthquake, #japan",
"toFollow": "2342355, 9837498, 3489098",
"geoLocation": "-74,40,-73,41",
"languageFilter": "en, ar, ja",
"consumerKey": "cd2CbYFSSkRi20hsfsdfaaQ",
"consumerSecret": "zdRugnKMqBmiIRVLbasdfasdfuQS3w5YpR0naYyHSYCY",
"accessToken": "57342232-T7YwJSZ34XesdfsdfDBboduYzOFikHDJ9zXVXR0g",
"accessTokenSecret": "VZr1beowvLksdfsdfszkEXx1z68oks4hm8JCUGeRDw"

Parameters details:

  • collectionCode represents user provided unique collection Code
  • collectionName represents user provided name to a collection
  • toTrack represents a comma-separated list of keywords that will be used for tracking purposes.
  • toFollow represents a comma-separated list of twitter users’ IDs to be followed. A follower ID must be in numeric format.
  • geoLocation represents a comma-separated pairs of longitude and latitude. A valid geo location represents a bounding box with the southwest corner of the box coming first.
  • languageFilter represents a comma-separated list of languages to filter tweets stream. The values must be a valid BCP 47 language identifier.

Response Response of this service will be in JSON format. Details of attributes and their datatypes are following:

Response example:

"statusCode": "RUNNING",
"statusMessage": "",

statusCode represents one of the statutes mentioned below.

  • INITIALIZING: represents that a collection request is valid and the collection is in initializing state.
  • RUNNING: represents collection task is running.
  • ERROR: represents a fatal error. Collection request must be submitted again.
  • RUNNING-WARNING: represents that collection task is running but with some warning (e.g., twitter track limit warning, stall warning etc.)
  • STOPPED: shows that request to stop a collection is fulfilled and collection has been stopped.
  • NOT-FOUND: represents that there is no collection running with the provided collection reference.

message: this shows textual description of a given statusCode.

2. Stop a collection

GET: /stop?id=xxx

id: represents the collectionCode.

Example call: .../twitter/stop?id=4534

3. Get status of a running collection by collection code

GET: /status?id=xxx

id: represents the collectionCode.

Example call: .../twitter/status?id=324


"collectionCode": "syria-civil-war",
"collectionName": "Syria Collection",
"toTrack": "syria, damascus, hama, #syrie",
"tweetsCount": 60,
"lastDocument":"here twitter message will appear",
"statusCode": "RUNNING",
"statusMessage": "",

4. Get the status of all running tasks

GET: /status/all

Example call: .../twitter/status/all

5. Persist all running collections to disk

GET: /manage/persist

This service intended to be used before deploying new versions of the application. The service persists all running collections in a JSON file on server's default configuration location. After the deployment, you can use the following service to run collections that were persisted.

6. Run persisted collections

GET: /manage/runPersisted

This service intended to be used after deploying a new version of the application so to re-start the persisted collections. This service reads the persisted file from the disk, and starts collections.

SMS Collector

URL: Base URI + '/sms/'

1. Start a collection

GET Method: /start?collection_code=xyz Accept: application/json

2. Receive SMSs

POST Method: /endpoint/receive/{collection_code}' Accept: application/json`

Request Body Example:

"text":"Magnitude1 1.7 #earthquake, 3.6 km SE of Dyer, CA", 
  "crisis_name":"World Wide Earthquake Tracker",

2. Stop a collection

GET: /stop?collection_code=xxx

Example call: .../sms/stop?collection_code=4534

3. Get status of a running collection by collection code

GET: /status?collection_code=xxx

Example call: .../sms/status?collection_code=324

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