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Scrum implementation

Carlos Castillo edited this page Jun 29, 2015 · 11 revisions


The product ownership implies the following responsibilities, which are not delegated to the engineering team:

  1. Product definition and scope
  2. Product architecture and design
  3. Product roadmap
  4. System architecture and database schemas
  5. User experience and interface design


Sprint workflow

  1. Product Owner creates & prioritizes stories in Backlog.
  2. Team clarifies, asks questions and then estimates the stories. Initially while new team members are learning, the experienced team members might help out with sizing of stories.
  3. Stories are loaded in to the sprint as per the team capacity in Sprint Planning Meeting
  4. Developers START on the stories.
  5. When developers commit the code to the "dev" branch, they will change the status of story to FINISHED.
  6. When the code is deployed in the "staging" branch and pushed to the staging server, the story change to DELIVERED.
  7. Story owner performs a code review to verify implementation and Reject in case the code is unsatisfactory, amending the acceptance criteria if needed.
  8. Story owner verifies the functionality on the staging server and Reject in case the functionality is unsatisfactory, amending the acceptance criteria if needed.
  9. Story owner Accepts when satisfied, marking the story as ACCEPTED.
  10. A release merges code from the "staging" to the "master" branch

Meetings and status updates

  1. There will be daily scrum calls at 10:00 AST - the team will provide updates on what they did today, what they are going to do tomorrow, any blockers.
  2. Additionally, daily updates should be posted to the daily scrum channel:
  3. There will be status calls every Monday & Thursday. Sprint Planning, Demo & Retrospectives will also be incorporated in these meeting besides regular status updates.



Stories should be concrete and testable. They have the following contents:

  • Clear and informative headline indicating what users can do after the story is written, e.g. "Download tweets filtered by date"
  • Story description of what the feature means from the perspective of its target users, e.g.: "As an operator, I want to ..." or "As a system administrator, I want to ..." or "As a developer, I want to ..."
  • Detailed acceptance criteria indicating each of the elements that will be evaluated when reviewing the story
  • More details will be provided on demand. It is responsibility of the developers to ask for clarification when details are missing.

Points (one point is one hour)

The effort is inclusive of both DEV and QA efforts. We use this scheme:

  • 1 point is 1 hour.
  • 2 points is 2 hours.
  • 4 points is 4 hours = half day.
  • 8 points is 8 hours = one day.
  • 16 points is 2 days.
  • 24 points is 3 days (not recommended: these stories could be divided into smaller stories).
  • 32 points is 4 days (discouraged: these stories should be divided into smaller stories).
  • 40 points is 5 days (strongly discouraged: these stories must be divided into smaller stories).

The objective should be have to as small or specific stories as possible.

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