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2017 08 28

Andre Merzky edited this page Aug 28, 2017 · 8 revisions

Open Actions:

  • SM Check RepEx issues and estimate when they can be completed by
  • MT Discuss with AM and MM and report back on if a native MPI Helloworld application can be used instead of MPI4Py for example 09
    • see here for a shell based approach
    • TODO AM: merge

Current Actions:

  • AM + MM sync on keys etc

Active issues:

Open tickets for discussion:

  • GPU branches (feature/gpu on RP, RS, devel on RU)
    • this is now testable for mpiexec and aprun configurations
  • Rhea support progressing
    • MongoDB firewall issues
    • Vivek/Matteo to look into SHIM for MongoDB @ornl.
  • TODO AM: examples RHEA, instruction GPU, RHEA

RP: next release:

  • focus on analytics, events, profiling (functionality, ease of use, documentation)

  • also: urgent bug fixes

  • no other new features, thus short release window of ~4 weeks (Sep. 30)

  • Issues have been tagged

  • release after to focus on GPU, MPI/OpenMP mix

  • MT: do that as RA v0.46 + hotfixes

  • production requirements:

    • supported resources
      • no regression on BW, TITAN, XSEDE, ...
    • supported features
      • OpenMP, MPI, Scale, ...
    • regressions on those requirements will always be (hot)fixed with priority

EnTK 0.5:

  • release planned for ASAP after RP 0.46.
  • code review requested (Iannis, Andre) - TODO VIVEK: trigger
  • testing spreadsheet coming

Any Other Business:

  • RP deployment and testing
    • Anaconda, Docker, etc...
      • Matteo worked on Docker support for testing, tutorial etc.
    • deployment is tripping up more frequently, again
    • automated testing is still not part of the release cycle
  • Iannis to start RP code reviews
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