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Release Planning Process

Andre Merzky edited this page Feb 28, 2018 · 5 revisions

This process can be applied to releases of any of the RADICAL projects, although initially it is envisaged for the core 'products' i.e. radical.pilot, radical.utils and saga-python

Initiating a new release cycle

  • Hold a planning meeting - IB, SJ, and relevant stakeholder developers should attend
  • The meeting will agree a scope (tickets and PRs) and timescale for the release
  • Review the tickets targetted for "Future Release" and decide if any should be included in the current release
  • A Release Plan (see template) will be created and added to the List of Releases
  • Date(s) agreed for follow-up release monitoring meeting

Release Monitoring

  • Hold a release monitoring meeting - attended by IB, SJ and relevant developers
  • Status of all tickets and PRs in scope will be reviewed
  • Items may be added or dropped from the scope and/or release date modified as necessary
  • Keep the Release Plan document up to date

Release Preparation

  • A release candidate (tag on devel) is defined
  • The test matrix (see example) is circulated to the group, expected to be completed within the week leading up to the target
  • On release date IB, SJ and developers hold a meeting to review the Release Plan and agree to go ahead with the release, or modify the scope / release date and iterate
  • Keep the Release Plan document up to date
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