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2018 03 20

Andre Merzky edited this page Mar 20, 2018 · 7 revisions


- new topics, new teams:
  - Scheduler Infrastructure
    - simplify the inclusion of new information providers for the agent scheduler
  - Scheduling Algorithms
    - use additional information to make better scheduling decisions in some cases
    - incl. data locality aware scheduling
- use cases -> requirements -> architecture -> implementation -> testing -> release
- Milestones: 
  - Use cases, Requirements (week 3), 
  - Feasibility, Prototype (early June), 
  - Implementation (end June)
- test driven
- fake data source for algorithmic group individually
- updates:
  - Team 1: Ioannis, Will, Jumana
    - [ticket](
    - [use case document](
  - Team 2: Vivek, Srinivas, George
    - [literature study](

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