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Andre Merzky edited this page Jan 20, 2017 · 1 revision


Mark's pilot data implementation focuses on the following:

  • SRM based data transfer
  • OSG resources (compute and storage)
  • Gwendia and Marvin as driving layers
  • data scheduling in RP

The abstraction toward the resource interactions rely completely on SAGA, the API seems to hold for the use case (path specs in SRM may need cleanup, ie. move from url query to url path element).

The current RP level code is based on devel, in the feature/pilotdata branch. All other parts (agent staging, osg support on SAGA etc) have been merged into the respective devel branches, and also merged forward into the split_module stack.

Gwendia and Marvin are well decoupled from the RP layer data management decisions, and are solely used as driving layers (note that Marvin would probably be interesting in the EnTK context).

We should strive to soon reproduce Mark's PD experiments as they are before discussion the next steps of tighter integration into other experiments and/or projects.

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