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2017 06 04

Iain Bethune edited this page Jun 5, 2017 · 5 revisions

Attendees: IB, AM, MT, DV, VB, MTH, SJ, JD, IP, SM, AA


New Actions:

  • SM Check RepEx issues and estimate when they can be completed by
  • MT Discuss with AM and MM and report back on if a native MPI Helloworld application can be used instead of MPI4Py for example 09.

Current Actions:

  • IP Ask Andre Luckow to open tickets on MacOS specific problems
  • IB Sync with VB, SM, AT re: timescales for EnTK and RepEx releases
  • AM + MM sync on keys etc

Active issues:

Open tickets for discussion:

  • RP #1363 - PR exists, AM to test on two different machines
  • RP #1349 - Further debugging needed to identify root cause
  • RP #1330 - AM still working on a fix
  • RP #1246 - MT to test on larger jobs
  • RP #1165 - VB going to test and update ticket

RP 0.46:

  • Release testing delayed until open tickets are resolved

EnTK 0.5:

  • Release scoping to be confirmed. Release planned for ASAP after RP 0.46. VB planning to complete the PRs/ tickets this week.

RepEx 3.0:

  • Release scoping completed. Need to confirm timescales w.r.t. RP and EnTK releases.

Any Other Business:

  • Discussed VB's issue with GPU support on Titan, which can only be resolved by making the schedular aware of the GPU topology. Agreed that AM would look into this after completing RP #1330. The development will go into a branch, and once stable and usable by VB then focus will return to the release.
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