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2019 06 02.devel

Andre Merzky edited this page Jul 2, 2019 · 2 revisions
  • TODO AM: run entk tests on Vivek's PR (#338)
  • TODO AM: suspend/resume integration test
  • summit
    • TODO: Aymen to get access
    • pilot health check unstable (issues are open)
    • TODO HL: take over integration tests from VB
  • summit use case
    • app seems to work when tested manual
    • TODO HL: check unit sandboxes
    • EnTK cleans sandbox by default
  • release
    • TODO IP: how to trigger tests manually, how to test all PRs
  • unit testing
    • TODO AM: review rm_test branch
  • integration testing
    • HL: starts with RM
  • Python-3
    • code breaks (pty)
    • TODO MT/AM: open/fix issue
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