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[DOC] Red System; François Jouens 'How to use pointers, strings, vectors, call'

Semseddin Moldibi edited this page Nov 30, 2022 · 1 revision


Red/System [
    Title:   "Pointers"
    Author:  "François Jouen"

print ["Let's play with structures and pointers" lf]
print ["Create structure and pointer" lf]
;--First we create a structure as an alias (no memory allocation)
union: alias struct! [
    f       [float!]
    i       [integer!]
    str     [c-string!]

;--then a pointer to the structure
p-struct!: declare struct! [ptr [union]] ;--memory allocation 

;--now we have to allocate the structure
un: declare union
un/f: pi
un/i: 255
un/str: "Hello Red world"

;--and to create a pointer to the structure
p-struct!/ptr: un   ; on fait pointer sur 

;--verify structure initialization
print ["Structure address: " un lf]
print ["Pointer value:     " p-struct! lf]
print ["Nice, we are pointing to the structure!" lf]
print [p-struct!/ptr/f " " p-struct!/ptr/i " " p-struct!/ptr/str lf]

print ["Now, let's modify the pointer values" lf]
p-struct!/ptr/f: 0.0
p-struct!/ptr/i: 0
p-struct!/ptr/str: "Bye bye crual world!"

print ["Pointer values are changed" lf]
print [p-struct!/ptr/f " " p-struct!/ptr/i " " p-struct!/ptr/str  lf]
print ["And the structure too! " lf]
print [un/f " " un/i " " un/str lf]


Let's play with structures and pointers
Create structure and pointer
Structure address: 000030D0
Pointer value:     000030C4
Nice, we are pointing to the structure!
3.141592653589793 255 Hello Red world
Now, let's modify the pointer values
Pointer values are changed
0.0 0 Bye bye crual world!
And the structure too! 
0.0 0 Bye bye crual world!


Red [
    Title:   "Strings"
    Author:  "ldci"

;--the way to share global Red words with Red/System code

s: "Hello Red"                ;--string variable
b: #{48656C6C6F20526564}    ;--same string as binary

;--Red/System routines
getString: routine [return: [string!]][
    as red-string! #get 's

getBinary: routine [return: [binary!]][
    as red-binary! #get 'b

;--Red code
print ["Test String: " getString]
append s " is amazing"
print ["Test String: " getString]
print ["Test Binary: " getBinary]


Test String:  Hello Red
Test String:  Hello Red is amazing
Test Binary:  #{48656C6C6F20526564}

Vectors (Arrays)

Red [
    Title:   "Arrays"
    Author:  "ldci"

;-- Basic Red Code
arr1: [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
arr2: [512.0 255.0 127.0 64.0 32.0 16.0 8.0 4.0 2.0 1.0]

Print  "Red Array"
n: length? arr1
i: 1
while [i <= n][
    print [i ": " arr1/:i]
    i: i + 1

;--Now with routines for integer array

readIntegerArray: routine [ 
        array [block!] 
        i             [integer!] 
        int [        red-integer!] 
        value tail     [red-value!]
    print ["size: " block/rs-length? array lf]
    value: block/rs-head array
    tail: block/rs-tail array
    print ["value: " value lf]
    print ["Tail : " tail lf]
    i: 1
    while [value < tail][
        int: as red-integer! value
        print [i ": " int " " int/value lf]
        value: value + 1
        i: i + 1

;--and float array

readFArray: routine [
    array [block!] 
    i             [integer!] 
    f             [red-float!] 
    value tail     [red-value!]
    print ["size: " block/rs-length? array lf]
    value: block/rs-head array
    tail: block/rs-tail array
    print ["value: " value lf]
    print ["Tail : " tail lf]
    i: 1
    while [value < tail][
        f: as red-float! value
        print [i ": " f " "  f/value lf]
        value: value + 1
        i: i + 1
print newline
print ["Integer array"]
readIntegerArray arr1
print newline
print ["Float array"]
readFArray arr2


Red Array
1 : 1
2 : 2
3 : 3
4 : 4
5 : 5
6 : 6
7 : 7
8 : 8
9 : 9
10 : 10

Integer array
size: 10
value: 023EFD20
Tail : 023EFDC0
1: 023EFD20 1
2: 023EFD30 2
3: 023EFD40 3
4: 023EFD50 4
5: 023EFD60 5
6: 023EFD70 6
7: 023EFD80 7
8: 023EFD90 8
9: 023EFDA0 9
10: 023EFDB0 10

Float array
size: 10
value: 023EFDD8
Tail : 023EFE78
1: 023EFDD8 512
2: 023EFDE8 255
3: 023EFDF8 127
4: 023EFE08 64
5: 023EFE18 32
6: 023EFE28 16
7: 023EFE38 8
8: 023EFE48 4
9: 023EFE58 2
10: 023EFE68 1


Red [
    Title:   "Call"
    Author:  "ldci"

;--How to use R/S #call with Red

print ["Red Version : " system/version]
print ["Compiled    : " system/build/config/OS system/build/config/OS-version]

print "Random Tests"

random/seed now/time/precise            ;--generate Random/seed
rand: function [n [integer!]][random n] ;--returns an integer

;--first solution with #system
#system [
   v: 1000             ;--Red/S word to be used with routines 
   #call [rand v]
   int: as red-integer! stack/arguments
   print ["System Call :  " int/value lf]

;--Second solution with Red routine
alea: routine [][
    #call [rand v]        ;--Use Red/S variable
    int: as red-integer! stack/arguments

v: 1000 ;--this a Red word, not the Red/S word
;--Classical Red Function
print ["Red Function: " rand v]
print ["Red Function: " rand v]
print ["Red Function: " rand v]

;--Red Routine which calls Red Function
print ["Red Routine : " alea]
print ["Red Routine : " alea]
print ["Red Routine : " alea]


Red Version :  0.6.4
Compiled    :  macOS 10.14
Random Tests
System Call :  332
Red Function:  824
Red Function:  778
Red Function:  676
Red Routine :  222
Red Routine :  7
Red Routine :  948

Red variables

Red [
    Title:   "Red variables"
    Author:  "ldci"

;--3 Red programming rules: Readability, Reliability and Reusability.

;--the way to access and modify global Red variables

i: 100             ;--integer!
f: 0.0             ;--float!
s: "Hello Red"     ;--string!

getInt: routine [/local int][
    int: as red-integer! #get 'i
    int/value: int/value + 100

getFloat: routine [/local fl][
    fl: as red-float! #get 'f
    fl/value: fl/value + pi

;--Some Red scalars can use boxing to return a Red value
getIntBoxing: routine [/local int][
    int: as red-integer! #get 'i
    integer/box int/value + 250

getFloatBoxing: routine [/local fl][
    fl: as red-float! #get 'f
    float/box fl/value + pi / 2.0

getString: routine [/local st ptr][
    st: as red-string! #get 's
    ptr: " and Red/System"                ;--just a c-string! considered as pointer
    string/concatenate-literal st ptr    ;--append ptr values to string
    as c-string! string/rs-head st        

print ["Red words values: " i f s]
print ["Routines can modify Red words values"]
print ["Test Integer:" getInt]
print ["Test Boxing: " getIntBoxing]
print ["Test Float:  " getFloat]
print ["Test Boxing: " getFloatBoxing]
print ["Test String: " getString]


Red words values:  100 0.0 Hello Red
Routines can modify Red words values
Test Integer: 200
Test Boxing:  350
Test Float:   3.141592653589793
Test Boxing:  1.570796326794897
Test String:  Hello Red and Red/System
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