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Boleslav Březovský edited this page Feb 9, 2022 · 2 revisions

XML codec

See also for implementation details and discussions.

XML codec is used to read XML data and convert them to the Red format and vice versa. Because of the nature of the XML that does not map very well to existing Red data structures, we decided to make it modular and support multiple output and input formats.


There are currently three formats supported: triples, compact and key-val. More formats may be added in the future when we find more optimal representation of the XML data. The default format is triples, to use different format, either use /as refinement with the format name as a word!.

All examples are using this XML source:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        Version and language
        <version number="$Revision$"/>
        <language type="root">Czech</language>
        <markup />


triples is the default format. Its advantage is a fixed structure that can be explored easily using functions like foreach and HOFs.

Each XML element is stored using three values:

tag-name content attributes

The order is optimized for path! access, so it’s possible to get the tag’s content easily.

tag-name is word! but it can be overriden and tag names can be stored as string! when case-sensitivity is required (it shouldn’t be in most cases). To turn the conversion off, use /str-keys refinement. For the textual data, tag-name is text! (see examples below).

content is either the textual content, a block! of sub-elements or none! if there’s no content.

attributes is a block! containing key-value pairs of attributes or none! if there are no attributes.


    identity [                                  ; content is a block! here
        text! "Version and language^/" none     ; textual data, tag-name is none, no attributes either
        version none [number "$Revision$"]      ; no content, so it’s none
        language "Czech" [type "root"]          ; tag with text content and attributes
        markup none none                        ; tag without content and attributes  
        text! "Ending^/" none                   ; textual data, see above
    ] none                                      ; (empty) attributes for the <identity> tag


compact format optimizes storage at the price of a more difficult programatic access. Elements always start with the tag name as word! followed by a block! which contains the content and attributes. Text content is prefixed with text!, attributes are stored as key-value pairs, key is always issue! and value is a string!. See example below:


    identity [
        text! "Version and language^/"          ; textual data, prefixed with `text!`
        version [#number "$Revision$"]          ; tag without text with one attribute
        language [#type "root" text! "Czech"]   ; tag with text and attributes
        markup []                               ; empty tag is followed by empty block, so the path access still works
        text! "Ending^/"                        ; textual data, see above


key-val is similar to triples but rather than relying on position, it uses word! to signify the structure. The are two keywords: text! for textual content of string! type and attr! for attributes (block!). If there’s no text or attributes, the value is omitted.


    identity [
        text! "Version and language^/"               ; textual data, prefixed with `text!`
        version [attr! [number "$Revision$"]]        ; tag without text with one attribute
        language [text! "Czech" attr! [type "root"]] ; tag with text and attributes
        markup []                                    ; empty tag
        text! "Ending^/"                             ; textual data, see above



    LOAD-XML data

    Convert XML data to Red format.
    LOAD-XML is a function! value.

    data         [string! file! url!] "XML to convert."

    /as          =>
       fmt          [word!] "Select output format [triples compact key-val]."
    /meta        => Preserve meta data.
    /str-keys    => Leave keys as strings.
  • /as is used to change the output format. Default format is triples.

  • /meta is used to preserve document metadata, such as XMLdecl, doctype, comments, processing instructions and cdata. These data are normally omitted from the resulting document.

  • /str-keys is used to leave keys as strings. Normally, they are converted to words for easier access but some keys may be incompatible with word! syntax so there’s an option to skip the conversion.


    TO-XML data

    TO-XML is a function! value.

    data         [block!] "Red data for conversion."

    /as          =>
       fmt          [word!] {Format of the source data [triples compact key-val].}
    /pretty      =>
       indent       [string!] {Pretty format the output, using given indentation.}
  • /as is used to change the input format. Default format is triples.

  • /pretty is used to switch from compact format to a pretty one. NOTE: This option works with triples mode currently only! /pretty requires indent parameter which is a string!that will be used as the basic indentation. Suggested values are spaces or a tab.


If you convert a source XML to Red format and want to filter out just metada, you can use get-meta function from

     GET-META data

     Get metadata only from converted XML data. 
     GET-META is a function! value.

     data         [block!] "Converted XML data."

     /as          => Select output format [triples compact key-val].
        format       [word!] 
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