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Scott Gray edited this page Feb 26, 2017 · 12 revisions

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JSqsh (pronounced jay-skwish) is a Java re-implementation of a tool that I originally authored called sqsh (also hosted on SourceForge). The original sqsh was a Sybase-specific console based tool (i.e. non-graphical) that combined the ability to query the database with much of the functionality of a shell, such as piping the results of queries out to external programs (grep, more, etc.), expanding variables, redirecting output to files, command line editing, etc.

Jsqsh attempts to re-create the most frequently used features found in sqsh but, with the use of JDBC (Java's database driver architecture), allow it to be used against any database that provides a good JDBC driver. JSqsh attempts to shield the user from much knowledge of Java and JDBC as much as possible, so it should be suitable for the average user to use, but there are a couple of places in which some knowledge of the basics of JDBC are useful.

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Version 2.3 Released!

Version 2.3 is now available. Find details here:

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