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Scott C Gray edited this page Feb 26, 2017 · 4 revisions

JSqsh line editing

Jsqsh can utilize several different line editing libraries that allow you to move around and edit the current line you are typing at, as well as to scroll backwards and forwards through previous lines of text that you have typed in. Note that this is different from recalling and editing entire statements: for that, please see the \help for buffers, \history, and \buf-edit.

Choosing a line editor

JSqsh uses JLine as the default line editor (see below). However, it supports a number of editors, You can control which editor is used via either the --readline command line option when starting jsqsh, or the JSQSH_READLINE environment variable, so to one of the values below:

Value Description
jline JLine (built-in)
readline GNU Readline (via java-readline, see below)
editline BSD Editline (via java-readline, see below)
getline Getline (via java-readline, see below)
none None (no line editor)

Jline line editing

As of JSqsh 1.5, the default line editor is JLine:

This library provides full line editing, history recall, searching, emacs and vi keymaps, configurable keymaps and a bunch of other functionality. The JLine library is not 100% java and relies upon some native code. As a result, it is only supported on Windows (32 and 64 bit), Linux (32 and 64 bit) and MacOS.

GNU readline support

GNU readline used to be the default editor in JSqsh, however as of JSqsh 1.5, JLine is now the default and readline is not included with the JSqsh distribution. This was due to both the JSqsh license change to the Apache license, as well as to the fact that the Java-Readline library appears to be abandoned.

While Jsqsh retains its support for Java-Readline, the library is not included with the jsqsh distribution. If you wish to utilize the library, most Linux distributions can easily install Java-Readline using the software package manager (typically under a package named "libreadline-java").

Java-readline detection

The JSqsh startup script will automaticallyl detect and utilize java-readline if it is installed on your system on a debian based linux distribution (e.g. Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, etc.). If these are found, then readline support will be enabled.

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