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Scott C Gray edited this page Feb 26, 2017 · 3 revisions

Welcome to JSqsh!

It looks like this is the first time that you've run jsqsh (or you just typed '\help welcome' at the jsqsh prompt). If this is the first time you have run jsqsh, you will find that you have a shiney new directory called '.jsqsh' in your home directory and that this directory contains a couple of files that you should be aware of:

  • drivers.xml
    JSqsh comes pre-defined to understand how to use a fixed number of JDBC drivers, however this file may be used to teach it how to recognize other JDBC drivers. Typically you should not need to exit this file directly, but can edit it with via the jsqsh driver setup wizard, accessed via the --setup option when you run jsqsh.

  • connections.xml
    The connections.xml file defines connections to specific JDBC sources. You should not need to directly edit this configuration file, but should instead use the jsqsh setup wizard, access via the --setup option when you run jsqsh.

  • sqshrc
    Everything contained in this file is executed just as if you had typed commands at the sqsh prompt and is the place where you can set variables and configure sqsh to your likings.

JSqsh is intended to be self-documenting. If you would like to see this information again, then type '\help welcome' at the jsqsh prompt, or run '\help' to see a list of all help topics that are available.

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