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Scott C Gray edited this page Feb 26, 2017 · 4 revisions


readline - Displays the readline implementation in use.


The read-only ${readline} variable displays the mechanism that is being used to read input.

JSqsh is written in Java and java provides no easy mechanism to work with the console for activities such as editing the current line, or scrolling forward and backward through history or performing command-line completion. As a result, JSqsh relies upon some 3rd party libraries to assist in these activities, some of which are actual native code rather than Java code.

Upon start up, JSqsh goes through some logic to determine which libraries are available on your platform and it chooses the first available that it can successfully utilize in the following order:

  • jline - JLine is an almost-pure java API that provides much of the functionality of GNU readline. It is the default editor for jsqsh. Documentation is available at:
  • readline - This is an interface to the GNU readline API. This library provides full command line editing and completion plus has configurable key-bindings and modes for those that prefer different configurations. Documentation for configuring is available from:
  • editline - This is an interface to the NetBSD editline library. This library is very similar in functionality to GNU Readline. Documentation for configuring is available from:
  • getline - Getline is used primarily on Windows and provides basic command line editing, but no completion functionality.
  • purejava - This is the most basic interface and provides no editing or completion functionality.

Although it is not possible to change the readline library at run-time, you may force the library to be used with with the --readline command line option to jsqsh or by setting the JSQSH_READLINE environment variable. Both methods may be provided one of the names above.

See also


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