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Scott C Gray edited this page Feb 26, 2017 · 1 revision


Displays help for a jsqsh command


\help [--raw] [[topics|vars|commands] | item]


Displays help for a jsqsh command. If no arguments are provided, \help provides a list of available categories of help: topics, vars (variables), or commands. Running \help with one of those category names lists a set of help items available within the category.


--format format (-f format)

Displays help text in one of the following display styles:

  • pretty - This is the default mode. Help text is displayed nicely formatted to the width of your terminal and with text decorations (bolding and underline).
  • raw - Help text is displayed in a nicely formatted style, but
    with all text decorations (bold and underline) disabled. This is useful if you are using jsqsh from a terminal that does not support such decorations, or if you wish to redirect the help text to a text file.
  • markdown - Help text is displayed in markdown format (see


Displays a list of general help topics about jsqsh


Displays a list of all variables that control jsqsh's behavior


Displays a list of all jsqsh commands


Given the name of a topic, variable, or command displays detailed help for it.

Command line option

All jsqsh commands take a special command line option of --help or -h which will cause help to be displayed on the available command line options available for the command.

See also


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