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Scott C Gray edited this page Feb 26, 2017 · 2 revisions


exec_mode - Controls the manner in which SQL execution is performed.


By default JSqsh sends SQL to the remote database server in "immediate" mode (for those of you savvy with Java, it is Connection.execute(...)), which means that the server just takes the SQL, parses, and runs it. For certain database platforms, however, certain types of statements cannot be run in immediate mode. For example DB2 z/OS cannot execute a procedure call (CALL procname) in immediate mode--the SQL must first be prepared (It's silly, and I don't know why).

This variable switches the mode in which JSqsh sends SQL to the remote server. It may be set to either immediate or prepare.

It is rare that you should ever need to change this variable. Most driver definitions in jsqsh will automatically set this to the correct value when you connect to the server.

See also


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