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Scott C Gray edited this page Feb 26, 2017 · 1 revision


Lists available JDBC driver definitions




Displays a list of drivers that are currently registered with jsqsh. An asterisk (*) will be displayed next to drivers for which the actual JDBC implementation (.jar file) is available.

JSqsh does not come bundled with any JDBC drivers therfore unless you already have a driver available in your classpath (via the $CLASSPATH environment variable), you will likely see a list of drivers without any marked as available:

1> \drivers
| Target                                     | Name        | URL      
|   Starschema BigQuery                      | bigquery    | jdbc:BQDr
|   IBM Data Server (DB2, Informix, Big SQL) | db2         | jdbc:db2:
|   IBM DB2 z/OS                             | db2zos      | jdbc:db2:
|   Apache Derby Server                      | derby       | jdbc:derb
|   Apache Derby Embedded                    | derbyembed  | jdbc:derb

(note that the output shown above is truncated to fit this help text nicely).

Any one of the following mechanisms may be used to make a driver available to jsqsh:

  1. Each driver may individually have it's classpath set via the \setup command (run \setup and navigate to the driver you for wich you wish to provide a classpath). This is the preferred method for making a driver available (see Driver setup for details).

  2. Setting the ${classpath} jsqsh variable to a location containing JDBC jar(s) for the driver(s) you want.

  3. Making sure the driver is contained in your CLASSPATH environment variable, e.g., for UNIX or cygwin:

     $ CLASSPATH=/path/to/some/jdbc/driver.jar:"$CLASSPATH"
     $ export CLASSPATH

    or, for Windows:

     C:\> set CLASSPATH=/path/to/some/jdbc/driver.jar; %CLASSPATH%
  4. Alternatively, you can add a JDBC driver implementation to jsqsh's startup jar directory. The path to this directory can vary from platform to platform but can typically be found in one of the following locations relative to where the jsqsh binary is located:


Adding new drivers

JSqsh comes with a bunch of pre-defined driver definitions built-in, however you can provide your own additional definitions if you wish using the jsqsh setup wizard (run \setup). The driver definitions that are created or edited are located in $HOME/.jsqsh/drivers.xml.


--load=file (-l file)

Loads an additional drivers.xml format file.

See also


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