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Scott C Gray edited this page Feb 26, 2017 · 3 revisions


prompt - Defines the query prompt.


The ${prompt} variable defines the prompt that will be displayed before each line of input. Unlike other variables, this variable may, itself, contain variables that will be expanded prior to display.

For example, the default value:

#if($connected==true)[$server][$user] #end$lineno>

will show:


when not connected to a server and:

[prod-db][sa] 1> 

when connected (the #if/#end syntax is part of Velocity, the tool that is used to expand variables. Documentation is available from

Care must be taken when setting this variable to ensure that the varables are not expanded when it is being set. For example:

1> \set prompt="$lineno>"

will have the $lineno expanded at the time the prompt is set and is exactly identical to:

1> \set prompt="1>"

which clearly isn't what you inteded. Instead use single quotes:

1> \set prompt='$lineno>'

See also


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