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Variables Reference

Scott C Gray edited this page Feb 26, 2017 · 4 revisions

Like any shell, jsqsh allows variables to be defined and used in almost any context (you can use the \set command to set them). The variables below are special in that they allow you to configure or view various aspects of jsqsh's behavior.

Variable Description
IFS null
auto_pager Controls automatically paged command output
autocommit Contains the connection's current auto-commit status
binstr_fmt Changes the manner in which binary values are displayed
build_date The jsqsh build date
classpath Defines JDBC driver locations
connected Indicates whether or not the current session is connected
csv_delimiter Delimiter to be used by the 'csv' rendering style
csv_null Controls how NULL values are display by the 'csv' display style
csv_quote The quoting character to be used during 'csv' display style
csv_quote_esc Controls how quotes are escaped by 'csv' display style
database Contains the connection's current database
dflt_autocommit Controls the autocommit setting for new connections
dflt_database Controls the default database for new connections
dflt_driver Controls the default JDBC driver name for new connections
dflt_username Controls the default username for new connections
domain Windows domain used to establish connection
driver The JSqsh driver used to establish connection
echo Echo all input
editing_mode Controls the editing mode for the line editor
ex_detail Sets the level of detail when displaying exceptions
exec_mode The SQL execution style for the current connection
exit_on Cause a session to exit on command failure
expand Determines if SQL will have variable expansion performed
fail_count The number of commands that have exited in error
fetchsize The number of rows per fetch to be retrieved
fmt_date Controls the representation of date
fmt_datetime Controls the representation of datatimes
fmt_time Controls the representation of time
font Font used for gui displays
footers Controls query footer information
headers Controls column header display
histid The history id of the current buffer
histsize Controls the number of SQL statements retained in history
id Contains the session id of the current session
interactive Whether or not the current session is interactive
jdbc_url The JDBC URL that was used for connection
lineno Contains the current line number being entered
max_rowsaffected Stop processing results after "rows affected" is displayed
maxlen The maximum display width of a column
maxrows Limits the size of query results
maxrows_method Controls method used to limit rows
name The logical name used for the current connection
nocount Controls display of "rows affected" from update/deletes
null Controls the representation of nulls
perfect_sample_rows Determines number of rows sampled by "perfect" renderers
port TCP port used to establish database connection
precision Controls the decimal place precision of values
prompt Defines the query prompt
querytime Controls display of query timing information
rc Return value of the last executed command
readline Displays the readline implementation in use
scale Controls the decimal place precision of values
server Database server name connected to
shell Defines the O/S shell used to execute commands
show_exclass Enables/disables display of exceptions class name
show_meta Controls display of result set descriptions
show_stack Enables/disables display of stack trace from exceptions
style Controls the output display style
terminator Defines the SQL statement terminator
timeout Sets the number of seconds before queries time out
timer Controls display of a visual query time
user Username used to establish database connection
version The jsqsh version number
width The screen display width
window_size Size of the window opened in graphical mode
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