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Todd Gamblin edited this page Jul 2, 2015 · 9 revisions


  • Todd Gamblin (LLNL)
  • ...


  • 2 new python packages:
    • py-python-daemon
    • py-lockfile
  • Better support for python packages in spack create
    • Auto-prepend py- prefix (could consider having categories like other systems, instead)
    • Detect and generate better package boilerplate.
  • Spack SC15 State of the Practice paper accepted!
  • Talking to NERSC about using Spack on their upcoming Cori system, details TBD.


  • Florent Pruvost (INRIA):
    • Add LIBRARY_PATH and PKG_CONFIG_PATH to generated module files.
    • Add headers to cblas package installation
  • Integrating superlu, zoltan, moab mesh library from Saravan Pantham.


  • TBD
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