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Massimiliano Culpo edited this page Jul 5, 2023 · 2 revisions

Wednesday June 28th, 9am PT (UTC -7:00)


  • Massimiliano Culpo (host)
  • Jakov Petrina (Sartura)
  • Jakov Smolic (Sartura)
  • Srinath Vadlamani (HPE)
  • Wileam Phan
  • Mark Krentel
  • Jack Morrison
  • Davide DelVento


  • Wileam: How can we solve issues with and HIP / RocM?

    • Srinath : might be good to collect all the issues around RocM and have a more focused call with maintainers
    • Massimiliano: if the issue is an inconsistency among different packages of the RocM stack, the best place to solve that is probably RocmPackage
  • Jack: If I expand custom environment variables in config files, when are these variables resolved ?

    • Massimiliano: in general, each Spack process expands config files in memory, so each spack invocation will re-resolve the environment variables
  • Wileam: How can we force GCC to rpath a runtime library ?

    • Massimiliano: that was briefly discussed in
    • Massimiliano: there is a "specs" file in the gcc prefix (note: this is not a Spack Spec, but related to a GCC concept) The Spack gcc package modifies this automatically in the write_rpath_specs post-install step (spack install gcc+amdgcn could modify add libgomp when executing this step)
  • Davide: How can a user be affected by the merge of ?

    • Massimiliano: The spec JSON format (and DB format) will be bumped, and older spack versions won't be able to read it if you've installed things with this change. Similarly, older Spack versions will not be able to use newer build caches .
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