🛡 Make safest code in Android. (基于libsodium实现chacha20算法,key在native中,防止被二次打包){长期维护,请star,勿fork}
Jan 5, 2024 - C
ChaCha is a family of stream ciphers developed by Daniel J. Bernstein. It is part of the popular authenticated encryption algorithm ChaCha20-Poly1305.
The canonical 20-round version is ChaCha20, though the faster, reduced-round variants ChaCha8 and ChaCha12 also see some use.
The XChaCha family features an extended nonce.
🛡 Make safest code in Android. (基于libsodium实现chacha20算法,key在native中,防止被二次打包){长期维护,请star,勿fork}
'Extra featured' OpenSSL with ChaCha20 and Poly1305 support
Portable 8439: ChaCha20-Poly1305 (RFC 8439) in portable & fast C99
O(1) Cryptography is an easy to use, hard to misuse Java cryptographic library based on O(1) cryptographic algorithms
Encrypt strings and files symmetrically using Argon2id key derivation + AES-256 (GCM) or ChaCha20-Poly1305.
AEAD cipher based on ChaCha20 stream cipher and Poly1305 MAC
C++ Qt5 Application to encrypt files with strongs algorithms and calculate hash. Use Botan and Argon2 for primitives.
Cryptography Library from DannyNiu/NJF.
Rust bindings for HACL* / EverCrypt (high assurance crypto)
A secure storage library for Android, backed by a native, encrypted SQLite3 written in C & C++
A patch for OpenSSL 1.1.1-dev to prefer CHACHA20 ciphers on devices without AES instruction sets.
A Cryptography Library for Maids