🪖 Learn Puppeteer and Playwright - Tips, tricks and in-depth guides from the trenches.
Jul 5, 2022 - Vue
Playwright provides a set of APIs to automate Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit browsers. By using the Playwright API, you can write scripts to create new browser pages, navigate to URLs, and interact with elements on a page. Along with a test runner, Playwright can be used to automate user interactions to validate and test web applications.
🪖 Learn Puppeteer and Playwright - Tips, tricks and in-depth guides from the trenches.
Vite based Vue3 (Typescript) template that uses, vue-router, PWA, daisyUI, tailwindcss, Playwright, vitest, vue-jsx, rollup-visual-visualizer, prettier, sass, vite inspect, vue-test-utils, test coverage, happy-dom
Current Crisis Cleanup Web Application (Version 4) based on Vue 3. This version was launched March 10, 2023.
NEI Market Analytics is an open-source project designed to provide comprehensive market value analyses for various financial instruments and digital assets. This repository aims to create a robust platform for tracking and analyzing market trends across multiple sectors.
a solution to the front-end mentor personal finance app
Online store 'Suncase' specializing in the sale of sunglasses.
⛰ Technical blog built with Nuxt3
A VueJS web game app using with Graphql, Playwright, TailwindCSS, and Vitest
ASP.NET Core minimal API & vue typescript client
A web application with CI supported by github action and pytest-playwright testing
StashSpot is a lightweight web app designed for quickly saving and managing resource links. Users can add links with a title and description, view their saved resources, and delete them when no longer needed. All resources are stored in the browser's local storage, ensuring simplicity and privacy.
A boilerplate project for creating apps using Vue3 + TypeScript + Vite. Includes ESLint and Prettier for CQ, Jest for unit tests, and Playwright for e2e tests.
📚 A web application for searching books, adding them to your collection and tracking reading progress - updating book status, marking the number of pages you read daily.
This is a solution to the Product feedback app challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
Electron + Vite + Vue3 + TypeScript
A simple task checklist application allows users to manage their tasks efficiently with a clean and intuitive interface.
Created by Microsoft
Released January 31, 2020
Latest release 18 days ago