Staycation | Stay and Vacation | Staycation website built with HTML5 + CSS3 + Bootstrap4.5 + ReactJS
Sep 11, 2020 - SCSS
React (also known as React.js or ReactJS) is a JavaScript library that makes developing interactive user interfaces simple.
Staycation | Stay and Vacation | Staycation website built with HTML5 + CSS3 + Bootstrap4.5 + ReactJS
I'm using the Rick and Morty API and included a search and favorite characters list.
A Password generator built in React and Framer motion
Avaliação técnica para a vaga de pessoa desenvolvedora front end da empresa Artio Events
A Trello-like app built with a React and Redux front end and Ruby on Rails back end
JS Introduction · Front (React) & back (Node.js) with
A React landing Page adapted to make a college Work for the course "organizational management tools"
Responsive restaurant landing page built with React + SASS.
Spapshoot is a tool for searching and downloading free photos on the internet.
Created by Jordan Walke
Released March 2013
Latest release about 1 month ago