Simple custom Sublime Text 3 portable snippets.
Apr 6, 2018 - PHP
A sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose.
It has many powerful features for file and project navigation, build systems, integration with other tools and customization in the form of plugins, themes, and syntax styles.
Simple custom Sublime Text 3 portable snippets.
My Sublime Text 3 Configuration
[Online Railway Reservation System] made using HTML, CSS and JS. backend is made using php and MySQL. Train search and minimal distance calculator are optimized using Prim's and Kruskal's Algorithm and DFS and BFS.
Quá trình cuối kỳ môn CNPM. Link google drive:
Resource about learning development of Web Application with Bootstrap for front-end, PHP 8 for back-end and MariaDB for the database.
The TFD CodeStyle
Bu projede, Sublime Text platformunda bölüm sayfamızı tasarlayıp admini olan ve dinamik bir şekilde çalışan duyuru atabilen ve atılan duyuruları veri tabanına (MYSQL) kaydedebilen bir internet sitesi geliştirilmiştir. JavaScript HTML5 kullanılmıştır.
PHP and MySQL login form. Registration and login
Created by Jon Skinner, Sublime HQ Pty Ltd
Released January 18, 2008