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Agenda 20160317

ianbjacobs edited this page Mar 15, 2016 · 8 revisions

@@Note: this agenda depends on Editors being ready with drafts.

  • Call for consensus process
    • Decision to publish N drafts will follow 1 week call for consensus, which will be sent after the meeting. Call for consensus deadline is noon ET on 24 March. Please note that this is just a publication decision, not decision related to technical issues.
    • On this call people will share perspectives (pros and cons) and suggest what would make them most comfortable with publication.
    • Email will list four documents; people can express support or Formal Objections (see below) on the group's list.
    • No meeting on 24 March due to conflicts
    • Chairs will evaluate responses and where there are FO's seek ways to address them.
    • Final decision will be made no sooner than the 31 March teleconference
  • Registering Formal Objections
    • Please cite any changes, supporting materials, or other considerations that would address the FO.
  • Blog post to frame publications
    • @@Ian working on a blog post
  • Next meeting: 31 March at Noon ET (16h00 UTC)

Future call topics:

  • Providing reviews comments (via GitHub, or through other means where GitHub is not a good option)
  • Periodic reports on group activity
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