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Agenda 20170302

ianbjacobs edited this page Mar 2, 2017 · 13 revisions


  • Introductions: Laura Townsend (MAG), Christian Weiss (Stripe), Manash Bhattacharjee (MC), Michel Weksler (AirBNB)
  • Regrets: AdrianHB, Andre

Payment Request API

  • Update on billing shipping type discussion (see comment from Zach).
  • Zach: We should figure out if "billingAddress" is the right label for this, or if we should make more generic as "vat". We need to spec out the behavior change, since this probably won't require shipping options."
  • Payment option filtering; pull request from Rouslan relating to filter/capability matching by the browser.
  • Privacy consideration regarding line items; see issue 446 and proposal from AdrianHB

Addition of "cb" to list of approved networks

  • See proposal to add cb
  • What are acceptance criteria generally?
  • What is the relationship to the discussion about payment app filter/capability matching (which suggests that a general purpose matching algorithm might make a list unnecessary)?

Testing update

  • Stan to tell us about his progress
  • What information do we need about test suites in order to inform a discussion at the FTF meeting about PR API advancing to CR?


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