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Agenda 20170810

ianbjacobs edited this page Aug 9, 2017 · 9 revisions

Roll Call

  • Regrets: NickTR

Status of publication of CRs

  • The transition requestion is ready, but we need to identify the fate of these issues before sending it.

Status of Payment Method Manifest FPWD

  • Ian would like to talk about architecture of various requirements.
    • What does PR API need to say (e.g., default matching behavior in show())? PR API could usefully say that matching starts with a set of PMIs then removes payment apps based on a variety of considerations: manifest, capabilities, security.
    • What does PMI need to say (e.g., "guidance about looking for manifests)
    • What does Payment Method Manifest need to say (e.g., in case of error, what is secure behavior?)
    • What does Payment Handler need to say (if anything)?
  • What issues need to be resolved before FPWD? Those that we choose not to address before FPWD should show up as issue markers as we have done previously.
  • Need help with Bikeshed for FPWD formatting.

Next call?

  • 24 Aug?
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