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xcode16.0 Bindings Status

Rolf Bjarne Kvinge edited this page Sep 12, 2024 · 277 revisions

Do not directly modify the following table (it's generated) or the script (without discussions)

framework iOS tvOS macOS
Accessibility b1 PR21070
b2 PR21070
b1 PR21070
b2 PR21070
b1 PR21070
b2 PR21070
AccessorySetupKit b1 PR20857
b4 PR20857
b5 PR20857
b6 PR20857
- b6 nothing
AGL - - b1 nothing
AppKit - - b1 PR21130
b2 PR21130
b3 PR21130
b4 PR21130
b5 nothing
ARKit b1 nothing - -
AudioToolbox b1 PR20856
b3 nothing
b1 PR20856
b3 nothing
b1 PR20856
b3 nothing
AuthenticationServices b1 PR21143
b2 PR21143
b3 PR21143
b4 PR21143
b5 PR21143
b6 PR21143
b1 PR21143
b2 nothing
b4 PR21143
b1 PR21143
b2 PR21143
b3 PR21143
b4 PR21143
b5 PR21143
b6 PR21143
AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration b1 PR20847
b5 PR21028
- b1 PR20847
b5 PR21028
AVFAudio b1 PR20851
b2 nothing
b5 nothing
b1 PR20851
b2 nothing
b5 nothing
b1 PR20851
b2 nothing
b5 nothing
AVFoundation b1 Manuel
b2 Manuel
b3 Manuel
b4 Manuel
b5 Manuel
b6 nothing
rc Manuel
b1 Manuel
b2 Manuel
b3 Manuel
b4 Manuel
b5 Manuel
b6 nothing
rc Manuel
b1 Manuel
b2 Manuel
b3 Manuel
b4 Manuel
b5 Manuel
b6 nothing
rc Manuel
AVKit b1 PR20849
b3 nothing
b4 nothing
b1 PR20849
b3 nothing
b4 nothing
BackgroundTasks b1 nothing
b2 nothing
b1 nothing
b2 nothing
b1 nothing
b2 nothing
BrowserEngineCore b1 nothing b1 nothing b1 nothing
BrowserEngineKit b1 PR21168
b2 PR21168
b3 PR21168
b4 nothing
b1 PR21168
b2 PR21168
b3 PR21168
b4 nothing
b1 PR21168
b2 PR21168
b3 PR21168
b4 nothing
CallKit b1 PR20858 - b1 PR20858
CarPlay b1 PR21039 - -
CFNetwork b1 nothing b1 nothing b1 nothing
Cinematic b1 nothing b1 nothing b1 nothing
CloudKit b1 PR20861
b3 nothing
b5 nothing
b1 PR20861
b3 nothing
b5 nothing
b1 PR20861
b3 nothing
b5 nothing
ContactProvider b1 PR21160 - -
Contacts b1 PR20860 - b1 PR20860
ContactsUI b2 nothing - -
CoreAudio - - b1 nothing
CoreAudioTypes b1 PR21019
b3 PR21019
b1 PR21019
b3 PR21019
b1 PR21019
b3 PR21019
CoreBluetooth b1 PR20859 b1 PR20859 b1 PR20859
CoreData b1 nothing
b4 PR21113
b1 nothing
b4 PR21113
b1 nothing
b4 PR21113
CoreFoundation b1 nothing
b2 nothing
b5 PR21116
b1 nothing
b2 nothing
b5 PR21116
b1 nothing
b2 nothing
b5 PR21116
CoreGraphics b1 PR21033
b2 PR21033
b4 PR21033
b5 nothing
b1 PR21033
b2 PR21033
b4 PR21033
b5 nothing
b1 PR21033
b2 PR21033
b4 PR21033
b5 nothing
CoreImage b1 PR20774
b2 nothing
b6 PR21117
b1 PR20774
b2 nothing
b6 PR21117
b1 PR20774
b2 nothing
b6 PR21117
CoreLocation b1 PR20864
b2 nothing
b6 nothing
b1 PR20864
b2 nothing
b6 nothing
b1 PR20864
b2 nothing
b6 nothing
CoreMedia b1 nothing
b3 PR21118
b4 nothing
rc PR21226
b1 nothing
b3 PR21118
b4 nothing
rc PR21226
b1 nothing
b3 PR21118
b4 nothing
rc PR21226
CoreMIDI b1 PR20882
b2 PR20882
b4 nothing
b1 PR20882
b2 PR20882
b4 nothing
b1 PR20882
b2 PR20882
b4 nothing
CoreML b1 PR21145
b2 PR21145
b3 PR21145
b5 nothing
b1 PR21145
b2 PR21145
b3 PR21145
b5 nothing
b1 PR21145
b2 PR21145
b3 PR21145
b5 nothing
CoreMotion b1 PR20862
b2 PR20862
- b1 PR20862
b2 PR20862
CoreNFC b1 nothing - -
CoreServices b1 nothing b1 nothing -
CoreSpotlight b1 PR20866 b1 PR20866 b1 PR20866
CoreTelephony b1 PR20863 - b1 PR20863
CoreText b1 PR20878
b2 nothing
b3 nothing
b5 PR20878
b1 PR20878
b2 nothing
b3 nothing
b5 PR20878
b1 PR20878
b2 nothing
b3 nothing
b5 PR20878
b6 nothing
CoreVideo b1 PR21163
b4 PR21163
b1 PR21163
b4 PR21163
b1 PR21163
b4 PR21163
DeviceCheck b1 nothing b1 nothing b1 nothing
DeviceDiscoveryExtension b1 PR20870 - b6 PR21175
EventKit b2 nothing - b2 nothing
ExtensionKit b1 nothing b1 nothing b1 nothing
FileProvider b1 PR20890
b2 nothing
b3 nothing
b5 nothing
- b1 PR20890
b2 PR20890
b3 nothing
b5 nothing
FinderSync - - b1 nothing
Foundation b1 PR21065
b3 PR21065
b5 nothing
b1 PR21065
b3 PR21065
b5 nothing
b1 PR21065
b3 PR21065
b5 nothing
FSEvents - - b1 nothing
FSKit - - b1 PR21029
b2 PR21029
b4 PR21029
b5 PR21029
rc PR21209
GameController b1 PR20874
b2 nothing
b1 PR20874
b2 nothing
b1 nothing
GameKit b1 PR20880 b1 PR20880 b1 PR20880
GameplayKit b1 nothing b1 nothing b1 nothing
GLKit - - b1 nothing
HealthKit b1 PR21146
b2 nothing
b3 nothing
b5 PR21146
rc PR21225
- b1 PR21146
b2 nothing
b3 nothing
b5 PR21146
rc PR21225
HomeKit b1 PR21080
b3 PR21080
b4 nothing
b5 PR21080
b1 PR21080
b3 PR21080
b4 nothing
b5 PR21080
iAd b1 nothing
b2 nothing
- -
ImageIO b1 PR20875
b2 PR20875
b4 PR21136
b1 PR20875
b2 PR20875
b4 PR21136
b1 PR20875
b2 PR20875
b4 PR21136
Intents b1 PR20881
b4 PR20998
b1 PR20881
b4 PR20998
b1 PR20881
b4 PR20998
IntentsUI b6 nothing b6 nothing -
IOSurface b1 PR20879 b1 PR20879 b1 PR20879
JavaScriptCore b1 PR20883 b1 PR20883 b1 PR20883
LaunchServices - - b1 nothing
LinkPresentation b1 PR20887 b1 PR20887 b1 PR20887
LocalAuthentication b1 PR20891
b3 nothing
- b1 PR20891
b2 nothing
LocalAuthenticationEmbeddedUI - - b1 nothing
LockedCameraCapture b1 PR21161 - -
MailKit - - b1 nothing
b2 nothing
MapKit b1 PR20893 b1 PR20893 b1 PR20893
MarketplaceKit b3 nothing - -
⚠️ Matter b1 Issue #21177
b2 Issue #21177
b3 Issue #21177
b5 Issue #21177
b1 Issue #21177
b2 Issue #21177
b3 Issue #21177
b5 Issue #21177
b1 Issue #21177
b2 Issue #21177
b3 Issue #21177
b5 Issue #21177
MatterSupport - b1 nothing -
MediaAccessibility b1 PR20894
b4 PR21144
b1 PR20894
b4 PR21144
b1 PR20894
b4 PR21144
MediaExtension - - b1 PR21176
b4 PR21176
b5 PR21176
b6 PR21176
MediaPlayer b1 PR21072
b3 PR21072
b1 PR21072
b3 PR21072
b1 PR21072
b3 PR21072
MediaToolbox b1 nothing b1 nothing b1 nothing
MessageUI b1 PR20892 - -
Metal b1 PR20895
b3 nothing
b6 PR20895
b1 PR20895
b3 nothing
b6 PR20895
rc PR21229
b1 PR20895
b3 nothing
b6 PR20895
MetalFX b1 PR21020 - b1 PR21020
MetalKit b1 nothing
b2 nothing
b1 nothing
b2 nothing
b1 nothing
MetalPerformanceShadersGraph b1 PR21154
b2 nothing
b4 PR21154
b1 PR21154
b2 nothing
b4 PR21154
b1 PR21154
b2 nothing
b4 PR21154
ModelIO b1 PR21032 b1 PR21032 b1 PR21032
MPSCore b1 PR21155 b1 PR21155 b1 PR21155
MPSNDArray b1 PR21155
b3 PR21155
b1 PR21155
b3 PR21155
b1 PR21155
b3 PR21155
NearbyInteraction b1 nothing - b1 nothing
Network b1 PR21075 b1 PR21075 b1 PR21075
NetworkExtension b1 PR21171
b4 nothing
b1 PR21171
b4 nothing
b1 PR21171
b4 nothing
OpenCL - - b3 nothing
PassKit b1 PR21139
b2 nothing
b3 nothing
b5 nothing
b6 PR21139
- b1 PR21139
b2 nothing
b3 nothing
b5 nothing
b6 PR21139
PDFKit b1 PR21034 - b1 PR21034
PencilKit b1 PR21148
b2 nothing
b3 PR21148
b4 nothing
- b1 nothing
b3 nothing
PHASE b1 PR21156 b1 PR21156 b1 PR21156
Photos b1 PR21040
b2 PR21040
b6 nothing
b1 PR21040
b2 PR21040
b6 nothing
b1 PR21040
b2 PR21040
b6 nothing
PhotosUI b1 PR21041
b6 nothing
b1 PR21041
b6 nothing
b1 PR21041
b6 nothing
ProximityReaderStub - - b1 nothing
QuartzCore b1 nothing
b2 PR21050
b3 nothing
b4 nothing
b1 nothing
b2 PR21050
b3 nothing
b4 nothing
b1 nothing
b2 PR21050
b3 nothing
b4 nothing
b5 nothing
QuickLook b2 nothing - b1 PR21052
QuickLookThumbnailing b1 PR21049 - b1 PR21049
⚠️ RealityKit b1 Issue #6239
b4 nothing
- b1 Issue #6239
b4 nothing
SafariServices - - b1 nothing
b3 nothing
SafetyKit b1 nothing - b1 nothing
SceneKit b1 PR21055
b5 nothing
b6 nothing
b1 PR21055
b5 nothing
b6 nothing
b1 PR21055
b5 nothing
b6 nothing
ScreenCaptureKit - - b1 PR21071
b3 nothing
Security b1 PR21152
b4 nothing
b1 PR21152
b4 nothing
b1 PR21152
b4 nothing
SensitiveContentAnalysis b1 nothing
b3 nothing
- b1 nothing
b3 nothing
SharedWithYou b1 nothing b1 nothing b1 nothing
ShazamKit b1 PR21051
b2 nothing
b5 nothing
b1 PR21051
b2 nothing
b5 nothing
b1 PR21051
b2 nothing
b5 nothing
Speech b1 PR21077
b3 PR21077
b5 nothing
- b1 PR21077
b3 PR21077
b5 nothing
SpriteKit b1 PR21053
b5 nothing
b1 PR21053
b5 nothing
b1 PR21053
b5 nothing
StickerFoundation b1 nothing - b1 nothing
StickerKit b1 nothing - b1 nothing
StoreKit b1 PR21165 b1 PR21165 b1 PR21165
SwiftUI b1 nothing b1 nothing b1 nothing
Symbols b1 PR21056 b1 PR21056 b1 PR21056
SystemConfiguration b1 nothing b1 nothing b1 nothing
TVMLKit - b1 PR21064 -
UIKit b1 PR21130
b2 PR21130
b3 PR21130
b4 PR21130
b5 PR21130
b6 PR21130
b1 nothing
b2 PR21130
b3 PR21130
b4 PR21130
b5 PR21130
b6 PR21130
UniformTypeIdentifiers b1 PR21068 b1 PR21068 b1 PR21068
UserNotifications b1 PR21066
b2 nothing
b1 PR21066
b2 nothing
b1 PR21066
b2 nothing
UserNotificationsUI b1 nothing b1 nothing b1 nothing
VideoSubscriberAccount b1 PR21067 b1 PR21067 b1 PR21067
VideoToolbox b1 PR21157
b2 PR21157
b3 PR21157
b4 PR21157
b5 PR21157
b1 PR21157
b2 PR21157
b3 PR21157
b4 PR21157
b5 PR21157
b1 PR21157
b2 PR21157
b3 PR21157
b4 PR21157
b5 PR21157
Vision b1 PR21149
b4 PR21149
b5 PR21149
b1 PR21149
b4 PR21149
b5 PR21149
b1 PR21149
b4 PR21149
b5 PR21149
WebKit b1 PR21166
b2 PR21166
b3 nothing
- b1 PR21166
b2 PR21166
b3 PR21166


  • When picking a framework: add your name to the API diff itself, below the framework name. E.g: ## Sebastien.
  • When you create a PR for a given framework, please add the PR URL instead of your name. E.g:
  • Finally run make to regenerate the table, git add xcode11/ and git commit (substitute xcode11 with the current binding season).

⚠️ Warnings

  • Please never remove content, except for noise, from the diffs files (needed by reviewers).
  • Never update the file directly, always update the diffs files and do make.
  • A PR URL in the bindings file shows the work done/being-done and not what the current packages ship.

ℹ️ Legend

  • *nothing* **means there is no new bindings in the frameworks in strikeout (e.g. noise in the headers).
  • The bindings are not complete for frameworks in bold.
  • Bindings are done (does not mean tested or final) for frameworks without text decorations.
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