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Ceterai edited this page Nov 9, 2023 · 8 revisions

Main page: Energy

 Ceternia is a type of energy commonly found in plants. This is the most common type of energy on  Alterash planets and is considered to be the most safe and harmless compared to other types -  Alternia and  Enternia.

While most plants have pure ceternia energy flowing through them, due to alta influence a lot of plants got overly saturated with a more prominent type of energy -  Alternia. Plants with such saturation can be commonly found in  Yaara groves.

 Impulse is the main damage type produced by ceternia. It's a subtype of Electric damage and is affected by Electric Resistance, but unlike its base type, it doesn't apply Electrified.
Instead, it applies different impulse effects, like  Pulse Paralysis.

Impulse projectiles often have super high speed and behave similar to laser projectiles. They usually can also pierce through their targets.


Immunity to all impulse effects is provided via  Impulse Status Immunity.
Additionally, negative aspects of most impulse effects can be reduced or blocked with Electric Status Immunity.
Can be accquired via the use of items, for example:

Visual Style

The color of ceternia is called ceterteal. There are special  Ceterteal Glowsticks meant to immitate that color, which you can also commonly find on any alta piece of technology, clothing and symbolics.


Ceternia is part of stardust energy. As part of stardust, it represents thoughts, feelings and conciousness. This is why ceternia energy usually can only be found in live things like plants.

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