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Sinigai ★★

Ceterai edited this page Mar 2, 2024 · 2 revisions

 Sinigai ★★ is a legendary lvl.6 fire shortsword.
Can be sold for 392 pixels.
WIP. Molten sword with an energy razor. What alta made this?
On the surface, it looks very differently from what altas usually consider a sword, but it provides just as much power and functionality to count it as one.

Race descriptions:

  • Alta: What a weird name for a sword. Couldn't name it Sinegat or something? Strange, but anyway.
Pickup Messages: (Expand 1 items)
  • You've just picked up an alta weapon, or an "energy tool", as they call it. According to my database, these usually have an extended set of features. I suggest reading its description.

Primary Ability

Astro-Blink: WIP. A sequence of 3 light strikes. Hold to perform a Heavy Slash. Each hit is more powerful with  stardust in your inventory (+0.5%/speck, 120 (+60%) max).
The blinking state briefly puts you into a wormhole, allowing you to shift to a close location almost immediately. A very dangerous piece of stardust-based tech.

Can be accquired in cheat/creative crafting tables: (Expand 3 items)


Can be found as loot in:

Technical Information

Tags: alta fire legendary melee shortsword stardust staris sword weapon
Level: 6
Race: Alta
In-game ID: ct_sinigai
File path (GitHub link): /items/active/weapons/melee/alta/light/ct_sinigai.activeitem

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