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Ceterai edited this page Mar 2, 2024 · 9 revisions

Main pages: Plants, Ceternia

 Yaara is a family of growth, commonly found in related biomes.

Each yaara biome is one gigantic yaara megaplant, that grows to enormous scales, developing its own ecosystem.

Yaara plants, like many other plants, are most afraid of warped growth.

Most yaara growth drops  Yaara Root when destroyed.

Yaara Heart

 Yaara Heart is a giant flower that can be found near the center of yaara. These are the places of concentration of its energy -  Ceternia.
When broken, yaara hearts drop  Ceternia Core.

Yaara Keepers

Some exceptionally big of powerful yaara growth is often inhabitated by Yaara Keepers - plant-like humanoid creatures that guard yaara plants from hostile forms of life.

Related Resources

Trees & Roots

Bushes & Grass



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