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EDS Database

Ceterai edited this page Mar 2, 2024 · 18 revisions

 EDS Database is a rare lvl.5 codex item.
Can be sold for 96 pixels.
A list of short descriptions of unknown technology. It seems like it's missing some entries. Code on the back reads 'CEN-411'.

Pickup Messages: (Expand 2 items)
  • You've found an  alta datamass. These tiny portable databases tend to contain important encrypted info used by  alta crafting stations to unlock various blueprints.
    These can either be crafted or found in random  alta pods on  alterash planets.
  • The item you've just picked up seems to have visual EDS markings on it.  EDS is an alta formation focused on protecting altas from all possible threats, and thus all related items and objects often reflect that goal in their characteristics.
    Unfortunately, it seems like EDS's automated defence system went out of control recently, so I'd suggest avoiding contact with still active facilities.

Contains following information:


The goal of this document is to maintain a full list of technology, relevant to and used in development of EDS. All entries are assigned according ids, ordered by registration date and relevant connections to other entries.
In accordance to the document, all ids must be issued in ETN format (thr. CEN-202).

Note, that starting with discovery of stardust energy capabilities and the Enternia phenomenon, all Enternia-related technology should be marked as potentially dangerous.

ET0, Alterash Technology Reference - ET0 id relates to all AT ids involved in the development of EDS, including regulation and infrastructure systems.

ET1, Elerune Defensive Systems - A compound of systems an protocols establishing automated planetary protection, providing safe conditions for any developments and full lockdown in case of emergency.

ET12, S-Based Energy Generator - Alternative energy source, which extracts energy from enterite, producing great amounts of energy with greater effectiveness than regular C-Based CT's.

ET14, Enternia Sphere - ET12 RM-1 model, 'Enter-Sphere', providing high-voltage energy distribution. Potentional use in further development for rapid energy discharges. Refs: CT27, CT29, CT32, CT33, CT46. Related CEN: CEN-7 protocol.

ET19, Enternia Field Emitter - AT2034 of EDS development, atmosphere ionization static field emitter, provides full air ionization in the atmospheric range. Main difference from AT2034 is the integration of ET14 as the energy source that, unlike all previous versions, provides enough power to sustain the system on a planetary level.

ET20, Enternia Terraforming System - AT2176 RM-2 of EDS development, uses ionized air to create an atmosphere for terraforming purposes. Seems to affect solid matters, which relusts in crystallization of moonstone and stardust. Main difference from AT2176 is the integration of ET14 as the energy source that, unlike all previous versions, provides enough power to sustain the system on a planetary level.

ET21, Enternia Stabilizer - AT8206 RM-1 of EDS development, keeps void-related indicators intact and controls the stardust creation system. A negative side effect is generation of stardust off over the planet, resalting in its further crystallization, turning it into prisms. Main difference from AT8206 is the integration of ET14 as the energy source that, unlike all previous versions, provides enough power to sustain the system on a planetary level.

ET246, Enternia EPP - 'Enter-EPP'!, is!a!t...n!l%.

ET288 -d!s.


Can be crafted:

Can be used to craft: (Expand 12 items)
Can be accquired in cheat/creative crafting tables: (Expand 3 items)


Can be found as loot in:

Found In Biomes

Can be found in following biomes: (Expand 26 items)

Technical Information

Tags: alta data_source datamass eds rare
Level: 5
Race: Alta
In-game ID: ct_eds-codex
File path (GitHub link): /codex/alta/ct_eds.codex

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