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Ceterai edited this page Mar 2, 2024 · 2 revisions

 Flowersword is an uncommon lvl.4 physical shortsword.
Can be sold for 240 pixels.
WIP. A nice colorful weapon of mass destruction!
The origins of this are as unclear as what it actually is. Is it a plant? An alta-made tool? An amalgamation of both?

Race descriptions:

  • Alta: Wow, this is weird. Is it okay for me to hold it?
Pickup Messages: (Expand 2 items)
  • You've just picked up an alta weapon, or an "energy tool", as they call it. According to my database, these usually have an extended set of features. I suggest reading its description.
  • The item you just got seems to have come for alterash haven - flowery areas on  alterash planets that tend to have higher levels of toxicity than surrounding nature. Although it equals to toxicity levels on most green planets, it's not a usual sight here, so I would reccomend being careful.

Primary Ability

Havencolor: WIP. A sequence of 3 light strikes. Hold to perform a Heavy Slash. Enters a charged state every 10 seconds, making next 4 hits deal bonus electric damage.
This sword's fibres are thriving with oxigen and ceternia energy, producing waves of toxic impulses that provide additional power to each hit.

Item Variants

 Haven Clover ★ is a legendary lvl.6 physical shortsword.
Can be sold for 364 pixels.
Toxic fever in the field of  stardust flowers. There's nothing else.
Except for a very prominent unfamiliar smell coming from small, barely visible colored fibres on the "blade" part.

Upgraded Primary Ability

Colorstrike: A sequence of 4 (+1) light strikes. Hold to perform a Super Heavy Slash. Enters a charged state every 5 (-5) seconds, making next 5 (+1) hits deal bonus electric damage.
The clover concentrates its power on the ends of the petals, making them more yellow than ever.

Can be accquired in cheat/creative crafting tables: (Expand 3 items)


Can be found as loot in:

Technical Information

Tags: flower haven melee nature physical shortsword toxic uncommon upgradeableweapon weapon
Level: 4
In-game ID: ct_flowersword
File path (GitHub link): /items/active/weapons/melee/alta/light/ct_flowersword.activeitem

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