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Unknown Device

Ceterai edited this page Mar 2, 2024 · 16 revisions

 Unknown Device is a rare lvl.5 teleporter.
Can be sold for 96 pixels.
An unknown device. It feels like something is missing. Code on the back reads 'CT35'.

Race descriptions: (Expand 8 items)
  • Alta: ... Blocked. No cell, too.
  • Apex: Unknown technology. Better be careful with it.
  • Avian: What's this? Looks like a door!
  • Floran: Floran found treasure! Or not...
  • Glitch: Observing. A lonely tech in the middle of nowhere. I feel you.
  • Human: Looks like a phone booth. Can I call Earth? ...
  • Hylotl: There's a big slot on the back. What for?..
  • Novakid: Is this an elevator? I feel not.

Health: 16


Can be crafted:

Can be accquired in cheat/creative crafting tables: (Expand 3 items)

Found In Biomes

Can be found in following biomes:

Technical Information

Tags: alta alta_lab ceterai light rare teleporter
Level: 5
Race: Alta
In-game ID: ct_backdoor
File path (GitHub link): /objects/alta/lab/backdoor/ct_backdoor.object

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