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Isoslime Pile

Ceterai edited this page Mar 2, 2024 · 22 revisions

 Isoslime Pile is a common lvl.1 breakable.
Can be sold for 12 pixels.
A glob of  isoslime.

Race descriptions: (Expand 8 items)
  • Alta: I could get a biosample from this! Or maybe even a cryonic extract, if I'm lucky.
  • Apex: A slime deposit. It appears to be dripping.
  • Avian: A disgusting slime ball.
  • Floran: Floran wants to avoid touching ssslime.
  • Glitch: Disgusted. A viscous slime deposit.
  • Human: Slime is so gross.
  • Hylotl: Slime isn't so bad when your skin is already slimy.
  • Novakid: Oozing slime.

This object doesn't drop itself when broken.

Can be accquired in cheat/creative crafting tables: (Expand 3 items)


Full list of possible loot: (Expand many items)

Contains following smash loot:

  • for level 1+ (pool rounds: (weight: 0.3), x1 (weight: 0.6), x2 (weight: 0.1)):
  •  Isoslime x1 (weight: 0.8)
  • Bio Sample x1 (weight: 0.15)
  • Cryonic Extract x1 (weight: 0.05)

Found In Biomes

Can be found in following biomes:

Technical Information

Tags: alterash_prime common generic isoslime izopoi slime
Level: 1
Race: Generic
Loot table ID(s): ct_smashable_isoslime
In-game ID: ct_isoslime2
File path (GitHub link): /objects/biome/alterash_prime/isoslime/ct_isoslime2/ct_isoslime2.object

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