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Tech Docs Drones & Droids

Ceterai edited this page Mar 2, 2024 · 18 revisions

 Tech Docs Drones & Droids is a common codex item.
Can be sold for 24 pixels.
A piece of some technical documentation. Code on the back reads 'CEN-462'.

Contains following information:

Automated Defensive Mobile Units are levitating drones of any EDS-related series.
Functionality of each model may vary in accordance to goal tasks that the drone needs to perform.

As such, this documentation includes idustrial and military-grade models, as well as their respective description.

ADMU-MD110, Scout Drone - Observer drone with basic functionality and a titanium frame.

ADMU-MD153, Shield Drone - A medium-size titanium drone, provides protection to other ADM units in unsafe environments.

ADMU-MD181, Sentry Drone - Levitating combat system with titanium frame and a hidden layer of EDS armor, assuring functionality in harsh environments.

ADMU-MA224, Battle Drone - Electrified drone with an EDS armor frame, produced for defensive purposes.

ADMU-MA300R, Defensive Drone R300 - Hightech defensive EDS-armored drone, able to spread ionization through the air for stabilization purposes.

ADMU-MA340, Engineer Drone - An upgrade of MD181 with full EDS armor, repurposed for construction works and as a carrier for smaller drones.


Can be crafted:

Can be accquired in cheat/creative crafting tables: (Expand 2 items)


Can be found as loot in: (Expand 10 items)

Found In Biomes

Can be found in following biomes: (Expand 41 items)

Technical Information

Tags: alta common data_source docs
Race: Alta
In-game ID: ct_docs_drones-codex
File path (GitHub link): /codex/alta/ct_docs_drones.codex

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