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GitHubsberg edited this page Feb 25, 2015 · 1 revision
    1. page was renamed from JacksonFeatures11

Jackson 1.1 features

Version 1.1 of JacksonHome was released June 22, 2009. It is classified as a "minor" update over the first official release, JacksonRelease10: this means that it is fully backwards compatible with code written for 1.0, but contains new or improved functionality, not just bug fixes (bug fix releases are called "patches").

New functionality consists of following notable features (check out complete for full list)

Major features

  • Support for JacksonJAXBAnnotations (in addition to or instead of JacksonAnnotations)
  • Ability to JacksonJsonSchemaGeneration using Jackson serializers on arbitrary POJOs
  • Support for JacksonFieldProperties: public member fields and explicitly annotated fields (using @JsonProperty) can be serialized and deserialized (and unlike with JAXB, it is ok to find both field and methods; methods have precedence if this happens)
  • Annotation set has been streamlined: although all existing 1.0 annotations work (and will work for all 1.x releases); almost all functionality can be defined using but 3 new annotations:
  • @JsonProperty for indicating getters/setters/accessible fields, and to override logical property name associated if need be
  • @JsonSerialize to configure serialization (external serializer to use, whether to JacksonAnnotationSerializeNulls etc)
  • @JsonDeserialize to configure deserialization (external deserializer to use, sub-types to use)

Minor improvements/fixes


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